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Table1: Financial Overview For Five Consecutive Fiscal Years
Source: Forms OCSE-396A & OCSE-34A.
1/ The Medicaid Assistance category was added to the OCSE-34A form in FY 2004. These collections were previously to be reportedin the current assistance category.2/ Total assistance reimbursement equals collections that will be divided between the State and Federal governments toreimburse their respective shares of either Title IV-A (TANF) payments or Title IV-E (Foster Care) maintenance payments.3/ Prior to FY 2002, incentives were paid out of the Federal share of collections and the net Federal share wasreported. As of 10/1/2001, incentives are paid with appropriated dollars.4/ Current assistance collections are those made on behalf of families currently receiving Title IV-A (TANF) or Title IV-E (Foster Care) assistance.5/ Former assistance collections are those made on behalf of families formerly receiving Title IV-A (TANF) or Title IV-E (Foster Care) assistance.6/ Medicaid collections are those received and distributed on behalf of children who are receiving child support enforcement servicesunder Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, and who are either currently receiving or who have formerly received Medicaid paymentsunder Title XIX of the Social Security Act, but who are not currently receiving and who have never formerly received assistanceunder either Title IV-A (TANF or AFDC) or Title IV-E (Foster Care) of the Social Security Act.7/ Never assistance collections are those made on behalf of families never receiving public assistance.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
TOTAL COLLECTIONS $18,957,597,106 $20,136,867,071 $21,176,389,882 $21,861,258,876 $23,005,880,131
Current Assistance IV-A and IV-E $1,345,066,232 $1,682,081,420 $1,815,261,394 $1,061,606,027 $1,042,750,508
Former Assistance IV-and IV-E $7,900,686,310 $8,298,404,027 $8,452,305,462 $8,870,802,263 $9,253,966,954
Medicaid 1 NA NA NA $1,892,959,840 $2,264,038,165
Never Assistance $9,711,844,564 $10,156,381,624 $10,908,823,026 $10,035,890,746 $10,445,124,504
Total Assistance Reimbursement 2 $2,236,133,261 $2,130,004,260 $2,114,856,364 $2,073,134,069 $2,040,148,277
State Share $1,004,378,799 $947,455,766 $947,442,666 $926,531,170 $911,061,160
Federal Share 3 $894,818,320 $1,182,548,494 $1,167,413,698 $1,146,602,899 $1,129,087,117
Total Medical Support $94,265,152 $89,408,573 $98,342,237 $110,586,988 $129,945,791
Total Payments to Familes or Foster Care $16,627,198,693 $17,917,454,238 $18,963,191,281 $19,677,537,819 $20,835,786,063
CURRENT ASSISTANCE COLLECTIONS 4 $1,345,066,232 $1,682,081,420 $1,815,261,394 $1,061,606,027 $1,042,750,508
Assistance Reimbursement $989,672,231 $918,979,683 $957,868,488 $914,113,344 $891,824,062
Medical Support $23,232,285 $25,772,516 $20,148,859 $11,839,789 $11,386,725
Payments to Families or Foster Care $332,161,716 $737,329,221 $837,244,047 $135,652,894 $139,539,721
FORMER ASSISTANCE COLLECTIONS 5 $7,900,686,310 $8,298,404,027 $8,452,305,462 $8,870,802,263 $9,253,966,954
Assistance Reimbursement $1,246,461,030 $1,211,024,577 $1,156,987,876 $1,159,020,725 $1,148,324,215
Medical Support $45,101,233 $44,417,140 $56,716,916 $65,005,483 $76,671,621
Payments to Families or Foster Care $6,609,124,047 $7,042,962,310 $7,238,600,670 $7,646,776,055 $8,028,971,118
Medical Support NA NA NA $15,377,462 $19,234,966
Payments to Families or Foster Care NA NA NA $1,877,582,378 $2,244,803,199
NEVER ASSISTANCE COLLECTIONS 7 $9,711,844,564 $10,156,381,624 $10,908,823,026 $10,035,890,746 $10,445,124,504
Medical Support $25,931,634 $19,218,917 $21,476,462 $18,364,254 $22,652,479
Pymt To Familes or Foster Care $9,685,912,930 $10,137,162,707 $10,887,346,564 $10,017,526,492 $10,422,472,025
ESTIMATED INCENTIVE PAYMENTS 336,936,143 $338,025,746 $356,379,012 $360,856,163 $364,947,681
TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENDITURES $4,835,234,199 $5,183,316,271 $5,215,708,370 $5,322,260,723 $5,352,566,340
Federal Share $3,222,157,717 $3,431,731,310 $3,450,232,098 $3,519,436,701 $3,540,033,256
State Share $1,613,076,482 $1,751,584,961 $1,765,476,272 $1,802,824,022 $1,812,533,084
TOTAL PROGRAM COSTS -$2,599,100,938 -$3,053,312,011 -$3,097,713,760 -$3,249,126,654 -$3,312,418,063
Federal Share -$2,326,512,588 -$2,587,208,562 -$2,637,130,712 -$2,733,689,966 -$2,775,893,820
State Share -$272,588,350 -$466,103,449 -$460,583,048 -$515,436,688 -$536,524,243
COST EFFECTIVENESS RATIO $4.18 $4.13 $4.32 $4.38 $4.58

This is a Historical Document.