Event Details

Seminar Title: The Molecular Targets Development Program: Initiatives in High Throughput Screening and Higher Throughput Natural Products Research Poster Title: Application of a Targeted Proteomics Approach for the Identification of KSR-Associated Proteins
Monday, April 26, 2004
10:00:00 AM - 11:30:00 AM
Frederick : Bldg 549 Auditorium
Type of Event:
Seminar/Poster Presentation
Seminar Speakers: Tawnya C. McKee and John A. Beutler Poster Authors: Ming Zhou (presenting author), Thomas P. Conrads, Deborah Morrison, Nomica Murakami and T. D. Veentra, SAIC-Frederick The Poster will be available for viewing from 9:00 am until 11:15 am in the Conference Center Lobby in Bldg 549
Molecular Targets Development Program, CCR
The Mass Spectometry Interest Group at the NCI-Frederick
Contact Information
   Contact Name:  Larry Phillips
   Phone:  301-846-1234
   Email:  phillips@dtpax2.ncifcrf.gov
Website: http://msig.ncifcrf.gov/msig-meetings.htm
April 2004
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This event is part of the The Mass Spectrometry Interest Group at NCI-Frederick series.
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