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Keene Creek Dam

Keene Creek Dam



  • Region (Map) : .................. Pacific Northwest
  • State (Map) ........................ Oregon
  • County ................................ Jackson
  • Project: ................................ Rogue River Basin
  • Dam type: ........................... Earthfill
  • Location: ............................ 16 mi E of Ashland
  • Watercourse: ..................... Keene Creek
  • Reservoir: ........................... Offstream Storage
  • Construction Date: ........... 1957-1959
  • National ID Number ......... OR00591
  • Hydrologic Unit Code .....



  • Normal Water Surface Elev: .............. 4403.5 ft
  • Hydraulic Height: ................................... 57.5 ft
  • Service Spillway Type:
  •    Uncontrolled  Crest    .............................. Yes
  •    Morning-Glory .......................................... No
  •    Crest Length    ..................................... 16.0 ft
  •    Gated      ...................................................... No
  •    Capacity at Elev:  4407.7 ft,............. 2,650 cfs
  • Auxiliary Spillway ........................................ No
  •     Capacity at Elev.   .................................... NA
  • Outlet Works Capacity at
  •     Elevation 4371.5 ft.,  ............................ 60 cfs


  • Drainage Area: ................................. sq mi
  • Hydrometeorological Report      HMR x
  • Flood Type: ...............................General
  • Storm Duration: .......................................  hrs
  • Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) Report:
  •   Peak Inflow: ..................................  cfs
  •   Inflow Volume: ........................  acre-ft
  •   Flow Duration: ......................................0 days
  •   PMF Routing MWS Elev.: ................. x.0 ft
  •   Initial Routing Elev: ............................ x.0 ft
  •   Study Date:

Power Generation




The Keene Creek Dam and Reservoir are located in the Western Cascade geotectonic province of the Cascade Range on the West Side of that volcanic mountain belt.  The project is in the easternmost part of the Western Cascades, which is characterized lithologically by slightly deformed and partly altered andesitic and bastalic lava flows and pyroclastic rocks of mid Tertiary age and physiographically by a deeply-eroded mature.  Topography with deep canyons and fairly strong development of cuesta-type ridges expressive of the easterly dip of 10 to 20 degrees of the volcanic strata.  This volcanic sequence has a thickness of 3,000 to 5,000 feet.  Structurally it is complicated by intrusives and faulting and folding as well as the eastward tilting.  Within one mile west of the project High Cascade geotectonic province forms the highest part of the Cascade Range.  It is characterized by late Tertiary to Holocene volcanism, which is represented locally by the lower slopes of the Chinquapin Mountain.  This volcano of probable Pleistocene age has a peak elevation of 6106 feet, is 2.5 miles northwest of the dam and lies several miles west of the main chain of volcanoes.  Crater Lake which erupted about 6,000 years ago is 60 miles to the north.  The closest Holocene volcanism is believed to have been at Mount Macloughlin, about 22 miles to the north.  Pleistocene glaciation in the Cascade Range did not extend south of Mount Macloughlin, but the effects of wetter climate appears to be expressed in the deep weathering alteration of the volcanic bedrock, steep-sided valleys and landslides in the Western Cascades.


 | Recreation | NA

 | Dams Located by State | USBR Oregon Dams | Pacific Northwest Region Dams |

 | Owner:  Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Columbia Area Office, 1201 NE Lloyd Boulevard Suite 750, Portland, OR 97232-1295, Phone: 503-872-2795, Fax: 503-872-2797

 | Operator:  Talent Irrigation District,
                       PO Box 467, Talent, OR  97540-0467, (541) 535-1529



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