U.S. Office of Personnel Management

The Fact Book

Federal Civilian Workforce Statistics 1997 Edition


Federal Employee Health Benefits Program
Enrollment and Coverage

September 30, 1995

  Employees Annuitants Total
Governmentwide 784,356 979,339 1,763,695 1,646,607 3,410,302
Employee Organizations 658,092 520,605 1,178,697 1,420,415 2,599,112
Comprehensive (Health
Maintenance Organizations)
937,138 271,161 1,208,299 1,559,675 2,767,974
Experience - Rated
93,855 40,538 134,393 178,179 312,572
Community - Rated
843,283 230,623 1,073,906 1,381,496 2,455,402
Total, All Plans 2,379,586 1,771,105 4,150,691 4,626,697 8,777,388


Source: Semi-annual Headcount, as of September 1995 (the number of dependents is estimated based on data provided by health benefits carriers). (202) 606-0650 RISBUDGET@OPM.GOV

Updated September 04, 1997