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Volume 26(12);  June 15, 1998
Research Articles
Cisplatin inhibits synthesis of ribosomal RNA in vivo.
P Jordan and M Carmo-Fonseca
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2831–2836.
PMCID: PMC147654
Evolutionary conservation of histone macroH2A subtypes and domains.
J R Pehrson and R N Fuji
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2837–2842.
PMCID: PMC147630
Non-homologous recombination mediated by Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I. Evidence supporting a copy choice mechanism.
P G Zaphiropoulos
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2843–2848.
PMCID: PMC147658
Stochastic, stage-specific mechanisms account for the variegation of a human globin transgene.
T A Graubert, B A Hug, R Wesselschmidt, C L Hsieh, T M Ryan, T M Townes, and T J Ley
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2849–2858.
PMCID: PMC147660
Overexpression of Rad51 protein stimulates homologous recombination and increases resistance of mammalian cells to ionizing radiation.
S Vispé, C Cazaux, C Lesca, and M Defais
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2859–2864.
PMCID: PMC147643
Transcription of INO2 and INO4 is regulated by the state of protein N-myristoylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
S J Cok, C G Martin, and J I Gordon
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2865–2872.
PMCID: PMC147641
Visualisation of extensive water ribbons and networks in a DNA minor-groove drug complex.
A Guerri, I J Simpson, and S Neidle
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2873–2878.
PMCID: PMC147633
Characterization of Werner syndrome protein DNA helicase activity: directionality, substrate dependence and stimulation by replication protein A.
J C Shen, M D Gray, J Oshima, and L A Loeb
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2879–2885.
PMCID: PMC147646
TAR-RNA binding by HIV-1 Tat protein is selectively inhibited by its L-enantiomer.
A Garbesi, F Hamy, M Maffini, G Albrecht, and T Klimkait
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2886–2890.
PMCID: PMC147661
Auxiliary downstream elements are required for efficient polyadenylation of mammalian pre-mRNAs.
F Chen and J Wilusz
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2891–2898.
PMCID: PMC147640
The corepressor N-CoR and its variants RIP13a and RIP13Delta1 directly interact with the basal transcription factors TFIIB, TAFII32 and TAFII70.
G E Muscat, L J Burke, and M Downes
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2899–2907.
PMCID: PMC147645
In vitro and in vivo reconstitution and stability of vertebrate chromosome ends.
L Li, S Lejnine, V Makarov, and J P Langmore
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2908–2916.
PMCID: PMC147635
Mitochondrial targeting of human DNA glycosylases for repair of oxidative DNA damage.
M Takao, H Aburatani, K Kobayashi, and A Yasui
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2917–2922.
PMCID: PMC147628
Chromatin remodeling of the interleukin-2 gene: distinct alterations in the proximal versus distal enhancer regions.
S B Ward, G Hernandez-Hoyos, F Chen, M Waterman, R Reeves, and E V Rothenberg
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2923–2934.
PMCID: PMC147656
Induction of XIST expression from the human active X chromosome in mouse/human somatic cell hybrids by DNA demethylation.
A V Tinker and C J Brown
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2935–2940.
PMCID: PMC147638
Combining diverse evidence for gene recognition in completely sequenced bacterial genomes.
D Frishman, A Mironov, H W Mewes, and M Gelfand
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2941–2947.
PMCID: PMC147632
Cloning of Drosophila GCN5: conserved features among metazoan GCN5 family members.
E R Smith, J M Belote, R L Schiltz, X J Yang, P A Moore, S L Berger, Y Nakatani, and C D Allis
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2948–2954.
PMCID: PMC147644
Interaction between the N-terminal domain of human DNA topoisomerase I and the arginine-serine domain of its substrate determines phosphorylation of SF2/ASF splicing factor.
E Labourier, F Rossi, I E Gallouzi, E Allemand, G Divita, and J Tazi
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2955–2962.
PMCID: PMC147637
The C-terminal domain but not the tyrosine 723 of human DNA topoisomerase I active site contributes to kinase activity.
F Rossi, E Labourier, I E Gallouzi, J Derancourt, E Allemand, G Divita, and J Tazi
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2963–2970.
PMCID: PMC147659
Oligonucleotide bias in Bacillus subtilis: general trends and taxonomic comparisons.
E P Rocha, A Viari, and A Danchin
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2971–2980.
PMCID: PMC147636
A novel palindromic triple-stranded structure formed by homopyrimidine dodecamer d-CTTCTCCTCTTC and homopurine hexamer d-GAAGAG.
S R Bhaumik, K V Chary, G Govil, K Liu, and H T Miles
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2981–2988.
PMCID: PMC147639
Down regulation of extramacrochaetae mRNA by a Drosophila neural RNA binding protein Rbp9 which is homologous to human Hu proteins.
S J Park, E S Yang, J Kim-Ha, and Y J Kim
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2989–2994.
PMCID: PMC147648
Non-enzymatic, template-directed ligation of 2'-5' oligoribonucleotides. Joining of a template and a ligator strand.
H Sawai, S Totsuka, K Yamamoto, and H Ozaki
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 2995–3000.
PMCID: PMC147642
Binding of the modified daunorubicin WP401 adjacent to a T-G base pair induces the reverse Watson-Crick conformation: crystal structures of the WP401-TGGCCG and WP401-CGG[br5C]CG complexes.
R Dutta, Y G Gao, W Priebe, and A H Wang
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3001–3005.
PMCID: PMC147649
Primer design for large scale sequencing.
S Haas, M Vingron, A Poustka, and S Wiemann
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3006–3012.
PMCID: PMC147651
Transposon Tc1 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans jumps in human cells.
G J Schouten, H G van Luenen, N C Verra, D Valerio, and R H Plasterk
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3013–3017.
PMCID: PMC147650
Unique organization and involvement of GAGA factors in transcriptional regulation of the Xenopus stromelysin-3 gene.
J Li, V C Liang, T Sedgwick, J Wong, and Y B Shi
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3018–3025.
PMCID: PMC147655
Conservation and continuity of periodic bent DNA in genomic rearrangements between the c-myc and immunoglobulin heavy chain mu loci.
R Ohki, M Hirota, M Oishi, and R Kiyama
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3026–3033.
PMCID: PMC147631
Use of RDA analysis of knockout mice to identify myeloid genes regulated in vivo by PU.1 and C/EBPalpha.
A Iwama, P Zhang, G J Darlington, S R McKercher, R Maki, and D G Tenen
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3034–3043.
PMCID: PMC147647
Functional and physical interactions between the estrogen receptor Sp1 and nuclear aryl hydrocarbon receptor complexes.
F Wang, D Hoivik, R Pollenz, and S Safe
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3044–3052.
PMCID: PMC147653
Use of capillary electrophoresis in the study of ligand-DNA interactions.
I I Hamdan, G G Skellern, and R D Waigh
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3053–3058.
PMCID: PMC147652
Detection of differentially expressed genes in primary tumor tissues using representational differences analysis coupled to microarray hybridization.
S M Welford, J Gregg, E Chen, D Garrison, P H Sorensen, C T Denny, and S F Nelson
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3059–3065.
PMCID: PMC147657
The influence of 3TC resistance mutation M184I on the fidelity and error specificity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase.
L F Rezende, W C Drosopoulos, and V R Prasad
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3066–3072.
PMCID: PMC147634
Detection of known mutation by proof-reading PCR.
W Bi and P J Stambrook
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 June 15; 26(12): 3073–3075.
PMCID: PMC147629
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