United States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff Miller
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October 25, 2006
Representative Jeff Miller was honored today by the Family Research Council (FRCAction) and Focus on the Family as a “True Blue” Member of Congress for his unwavering commitment to family values.

The award honors Members of Congress who have exhibited extraordinary leadership and commitment to the defense of family, faith, and freedom, according to FRCAction’s new scorecard covering House votes during the 2nd session of the 109th Congress. Miller is a second time recipient of this award.

“The Members of the 109th Congress who received this award have been consistent, stalwart allies of American families,” said FRCAction President Tony Perkins. “These Members are to be commended for supporting public policy that values human life, protects our religious liberties, and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family. Values voters should be encouraged by these Members who have shown a commitment to protecting and strengthening the family.”

Recipients of the award voted consistently for pro-life and pro-family issues. Miller was a cosponsor of several pieces of legislation focusing on these issues including the Pledge Protection Act, Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, the Public Expression of Religion Act, and the Marriage Protection Amendment.

“Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council are two highly reespected organizations,” Miller said. “Their efforts to educate the public on family value issues helps promote the ideals of our forefathers, and ensures that elected officials remain vigilant in maintaining a civil society. I am proud and honored to be a recipient of this award, and pledge to continue to fight for family values.”

A copy of Congressman Miller’s FRCAction scorecard is available at www.frcaction.org
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