US District Court • Southern District of New York

Courtroom Technology
(212) 805-0134

Video Conferencing

Electronic Evidence

Electronic Court Recording (ECR)

Video Conferencing

The Court has the ability to provide video conferencing in all courtrooms and in two conference rooms. The Office of Courtroom Technology and Audio Visual Services currently provides ISDN based conferencing, but does not support IP based protocols.

Priority is given to matters pending in the Southern District, but Courtroom Technology/AV Services can provide assistance in matters pending in other District Courts depending on availability.

For further information and scheduling, please contact the Office of Courtroom Technology/AV Services (212) 805-0134.

Electronic Evidence Presentation

Electronic Evidence Presentation allows for the display of trial presentations by computer, utilizing a combination of hardware and software such as Verdict Systems Sanction™, and Microsoft PowerPoint™. The hardware includes multiple flat panel monitors, LCD projectors and Document cameras.

The court has two courtrooms with integrated evidence presentation systems, Courtroom 12D which is assigned to Judge Kaplan and Courtroom 26A (scheduled to be completed in July 2006). In all remaining courtrooms, Courtroom Technology can provide mobile systems with varying degrees of complexity and customization.

A basic installation consists of a LCD Projector, Document Camera and Screen. Custom installations can include individual monitors for the judge, witness and counsel with the ability to electronically publish material to the witness and jury. All systems are subject to availability and custom installations are extremely limited.

Courtroom Technology staff will install the equipment and instruct you in its operation. The Court cannot provide operators during the course of any proceeding.

Authorization to bring in AV equipment and/or a third party vendor must be granted by Chambers. Only one installation is permitted in a courtroom. It will be necessary for all parties to cooperate and share equipment. This applies to equipment provided by the court as well as by a third party commercial vendor. All equipment and/or parties must pass through court security.

For scheduling of matters with Judge Kaplan, please contact Mr. Mohan of Judge Kaplan’s chambers at (212) 805-0104.

To schedule courtroom technology services in all courtrooms other than Judge Kaplan’s, please contact the Office of Courtroom Technology/AV Services at (212) 805-0134.

Electronic Court Recording (ECR)

Electronic Court Recording (ECR) is the electronic recording of a court proceeding through either a digital or tape recording system rather than a stenographical record which is provided by a court reporter. A transcript of an ECR proceeding is requested through Courtroom Technology, but please note that the transcript is not distributed through the court. If requested, a transcript of an ECR proceeding is produced by a commercial transcription service that will certify that the transcript is an accurate rendering of the official electronic court recording. The transcript is delivered directly to the ordering party.

Most criminal proceedings before the Magistrate Judges in the arraignment courtroom are electronically recorded. However, it is the policy of the Court that a guilty plea to a criminal felony is recorded by a court reporter. Also, be aware that some proceedings, e.g. pretrial conferences, are not recorded in either format. In addition, the following Magistrate Judges use ECR for the majority of their civil proceedings: Hon. M.H. Dolinger, Hon. D.F. Eaton, Hon. R.L. Ellis, Hon. K.N. Fox, Hon. J.C. Francis, Hon. D. Freeman, Hon. G.W. Gorenstein, Hon. T.H. Katz, Hon. F. Maas, and Hon. H. Pittman. The following District Judges use ECR for civil proceedings, but on a more limited basis: Hon. P.A. Crotty, Hon. J.S. Rakoff, Hon. L.T. Swain, and Hon. S.H. Stein. If a judge is not listed, then the matter may have been recorded by a court reporter or simply not recorded.

To obtain a transcript of an ECR proceeding, submit the transcript request form to Courtroom Technology/Audio Visual Services. However, if the proceeding was recorded by a court reporter, please refer to the Court Reporting page. Please be certain to submit the transcript request to the appropriate office because the delivery time is based upon the date received and the transcription rate is determined by the delivery time requested.

The current ECR rates are as follows:

Delivery Rate (per page)
1 to 3 days $ 6.00
7 Days $ 4.80
30 Days $ 3.60
The rate is determined by the transcription service at the time the request is received. Any requests made in error to the court reporters will not affect the rate.