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Phase II Enhanced Vapor Recovery Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Enhanced Vapor Recovery (EVR)?

EVR refers to a new generation of equipment, meeting stricter standards, which control emissions at gasoline dispensing facilities in California. Vapor recovery systems collect gasoline vapors that would otherwise escape into the air during bulk fuel delivery (Phase I) or fuel storage and vehicle refueling (Phase II). Some EVR requirements, such as the installation of EVR Phase I systems and upgrades to make Phase II systems compatible with new vehicles, have already been accomplished since 2005. EVR Phase II is required for all gasoline dispensing facilities (GDFs) by April 1, 2009.

2. Why is EVR important?

The purpose of the EVR program is to reduce gasoline vapor emissions. These vapors are a major culprit in the formation of smog, which causes serious health problems including asthma, heart disease, and cancer. Even though we have the strictest pollution control requirements in the nation, the air quality in our region does not meet federal standards for healthy air.

3. What equipment components are affected by EVR?

Phase I vapor recovery system components include:

  • the couplers that connect tanker trucks to the underground tanks
  • spill containment drain valves
  • overfill prevention devices
  • vent pressure/vacuum (P/V) valves

Phase II vapor recovery system components include:

  •  gasoline dispensers
  •  nozzles
  •  piping, break away, hoses, and face plates
  •  vapor processors
  •  system monitors

4. What is In-Station Diagnostics (ISD)?

ISD monitors the performance of the vapor recovery systems and triggers alarms when potential failures occur. Operators are required to take appropriate actions in response to ISD warnings and alarms. If corrective action is not taken, ISD may shut down fuel dispensing to vehicles.

Stations that dispense less than 600,000 gallons of gasoline per year are exempt from ISD requirements.

5. What are the deadlines for Phase II EVR and ISD installation?

April 1, 2009 - All existing gasoline dispensing facilities must be upgraded to certified Phase II EVR systems.

September 1, 2009 - ISD system - For facilities that dispense more than 1.8 million gallons of gasoline per year.

September 1, 2010 - ISD system – For facilities that dispense greater than or equal to 600,000 gallons of gasoline per year, but less than 1.8 million gallons per year.

6. What will happen if I don’t meet the deadline?

It will be illegal to operate any vehicle fueling system without the required equipment after the deadlines listed above. Failure to comply with the Phase II requirements may result in fines and the non-compliant GDF will be tagged out of service.

7. Do I have to install unihose dispensers?

The installation of Unihose type dispensers is required when:

(1) A facility replaces more than 50 percent of the dispensers or makes a modification (other than the installation of required sensors) that affects over 50 percent of the vapor piping in the dispensers.


(2) A facility makes modifications that meet the definition of “major modification” for a Phase II system.

Exception: Dispenser that must be replaced due to damage resulting from an accident or vandalism may be replaced with the same type of dispenser without triggering requirement for unihose dispenser.

8. Why do I need to start early?

Many facilities within our District will need to obtain permits, buy EVR equipment, and arrange for installation by a certified contractor within a short period of time. This will put a high demand on installers and agencies that issue permits, which means that getting these things done could take longer than you expect. Waiting until the last minute could cost you more in installation costs, loss of business, and unexpected fines and penalties.

9. What types of Phase II EVR systems are available?

Currently, there are two systems certified for Phase II EVR: Healy (VR 201- without ISD and VR 202- with ISD) for a vacuum assisted system and VST (VR 203- without ISD) for a balance system.

10. Will there be any additional certified EVR equipment available before the deadline?

The certification process for new equipment involves a six-month testing period. Even though there are new proposed systems under evaluation, there is no guarantee that there will be any new certified equipment available in time to be installed by the deadline.

11. What permits do I need before proceeding with upgrade?

A permit from the local office of environmental health and/or the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) will be required for installation of ISD systems and may be necessary for installation of vapor processors. In addition, the Office of the State Fire Marshal must approve vapor recovery equipment before ARB can certify the system. Documents that may assist in applying for these permits/approvals are at and, respectively.

Depending on the local jurisdiction, installation of an EVR Phase II system may require approval by the local planning agency. The vapor processor in particular may require construction of additional screens or walls in addition to the standard safety barriers. Building permits may also be required. Please refer to for more information.

12. Who is allowed to perform the installations?

Any person installing, repairing, or replacing Phase I and/or Phase II systems or components at gasoline dispensing facilities equipped with an underground storage tank must have the required manufacturer training and certification.  Certified contractors for each manufacturer and ICC can be found below:

Ask for proof of these certifications before hiring a contractor.

13. Where can I find the requirements for GDFs?

The requirements and information pertaining to GDFs can be found in the AQMD’s Rule 461 and in the Article 5 of the state of California Health and Safety Code, sections 41950 through 41962.

14. Where can I get more information?

Click here for more information.

15. What are the necessary steps to Phase II EVR upgrade?

 Click here for a suggested to-do list.


This page updated: March 04, 2008