Boustany Announces $118,750 Grant for New Fire Truck in St. Landry Parish... Boustany Calls for More American Energy Production to Lower Price at the Pump... Boustany Awarded Community Action Honor in Ville Platte... Boustany Announces New VA Clinic in Lake Charles, Jennings Clinic to Remain Fully Functional...

September 25, 2008
Boustany Urges USDA to Extend 2009 Crop Insurance Deadline for Farmers Impacted by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike
“Farmers and ranchers across Southwest Louisiana continue to struggle with recovery as flooding and debris hamper their efforts,” Boustany said. “With the 2009 crop insurance deadline just days away, Secretary Schafer must act to help many farmers who remain unable to return to their farms because of safety concerns.”
September 16, 2008
Boustany Discusses State Priorities for Gustav and Ike Recovery with Strain, Landrieu
“I appreciate the Commissioner and Lieutenant Governor coming to Washington to stress the importance of timely recovery assistance,” Boustany said. “After touring parts of Cameron, Calcasieu and Vermillion parishes on Saturday, I am amazed by the destruction across Southwest Louisiana. The delegation will work in a bi-partisan effort to ensure the state and its residents can access help promptly. While more information is needed for a full assessment, today’s meeting helps us set the state’s critical recovery priorities.”
August 15, 2008
DAY TWO: Boustany Returns to Washington- “We Need an Audacity of Action to Lower Gas Prices”
“Members of Congress are ready to follow the American people’s call for lower gas prices through an ‘all of the above’ strategy, but Speaker Pelosi of California and other extreme environmentalists are blocking any and all action,” said Boustany. “Let’s work together to lower the price at the pump, decrease our dependence on foreign sources of oil and keep good paying American jobs here at home.”
August 14, 2008
Boustany Returns to Washington, Says- ‘Let’s Do Our Job and Help Lower Gas Prices for the American People’
“Gas prices continue to squeeze family budgets, this is what I heard across Southwest Louisiana,” said Boustany. “Congress can act to help lower the cost of gas and diesel, but the Speaker and Washington Democrats refuse any reasonable compromise. Back home, I saw how we can responsibly explore for and produce American energy. It keeps jobs in the U.S. and is spurring our economy.”
July 3, 2008
Boustany Calls for More American Energy Production to Lower Price at the Pump
“Southwest Louisiana families really struggle to pay for gas, and high diesel prices now affecti them at the grocery,” Boustany said. “America’s trucking companies and truck drivers are working hard to keep the price of goods low, but high diesel prices are hitting them directly. Ultimately, these costs pass to the consumer. Congress must do more to spur American production, which will help lower the price at the pump for families and truck drivers. It lessens our dependence on foreign sources of oil and creates quality American jobs. Louisiana leads the nation, and I will continue to push my colleagues to promote responsible American energy production.”
June 24, 2008
Boustany Questions CFTC Chairman about Speculation’s Effect on Price at the Pump
“Ensuring our nation’s energy security is the most important issue facing Congress today, and I am committed to commonsense solutions to bring down the price at the pump,” Boustany said. “We have a responsibility to the American people to thoroughly evaluate every possible impact on rising fuel prices before passing meaningless, and potentially disastrous, legislation.”
June 24, 2008
Boustany Named Ranking Member on Agriculture Subcommittee
“Ensuring our nation’s food safety is critically important for families across the country, and I look forward to hearing from USDA officials about the state of our inspection process as ranking member of this subcommittee,” Boustany said. “Oversight is an essential role of Congress. I will press for accurate answers to make the Department of Agriculture as efficient as possible.”
June 17, 2008
Boustany Praises McCain Call to Lift OCS Ban and Increase American Energy Production
“Senator McCain’s commitment to increase American energy production is critical to meeting our energy needs and lowering the price at the pump for families in Southwest Louisiana,” Boustany said. “Congress must do more to spur American production. It lessens our dependence on foreign sources of oil and creates quality American jobs. Louisiana is already a leader, and I will continue to push my colleagues to promote responsible American energy production.”
June 11, 2008
Boustany Pushes Bill to Increase American Energy Production in Alaska, Elsewhere
“This is a smart piece of legislation that, if passed, would help lower the price at the pump in Southwest Louisiana by increasing the American supply of energy drastically,” Boustany said. “Families across Acadiana and Southwest Louisiana are facing tough choices about whether they can afford to get to work. At that point, we have a real problem. Increasing our refining capacity and the supply of American energy are two solutions – as Louisiana families are paying $4 a gallon, can’t we at least consider them?”
May 21, 2008
Boustany Votes to Make Farm Bill Law, Overrides President’s Veto
“Farmers and ranchers across Southwest Louisiana are one step closer to less anxiety about their future with the override of President Bush’s veto today,” Boustany said. “This has been a long process, but in the end we were able to come together and support a bi-partisan, responsible bill. I am proud of the work we accomplished on the Farm Bill, and I am grateful to all those in Southwest Louisiana who help.”
May 21, 2008
Boustany Urges Override of Presidential Veto on Farm Bill for Southwest Louisiana Farmers
May 21, 2008
Boustany Announces Energy Initiative to Lower Price at the Pump and Produce Southwest Louisiana Jobs
“Increasing American energy production is the single most responsible solution to our energy crisis, and I am fighting for sensible energy policy,” Boustany said. “The price of gas at the pump will continue to rise if Congress only blames OPEC. American energy production leads to more American jobs, more supply to lower cost and reduced dependence on foreign sources like Venezuela and the Middle East. I am proud to support this energy plan.”
May 21, 2008
Boustany- “This is a Responsible Farm Bill and the President is Wrong”
“This is a responsible Farm Bill with increased oversights on the farm and nutrition programs,” Boustany said. “It is a responsible piece of legislation for the American taxpayer, and it is a sound bill for our nation’s farmers and ranchers. I wish the President wasn’t wrong on this, but I will work to override the veto to ensure the Farm Bill becomes law.”
May 14, 2008
Boustany Supports Sound Farm Bill, Sets Up Fight with President
“Southwest Louisiana farmers need responsible safeguards because of the uncertainties of weather, crop, yield, etc., and American food producers ensure we have a safe food supply,” Boustany said. “I hope today’s important vote will encourage the President to support the Farm Bill, but if not, I will work to override his veto. This is a good bill, and I will continue to fight for it for Southwest Louisiana.”
May 13, 2008
Boustany Votes to Suspend Filling Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Increase Oil Supply
“As Southwest Louisiana families struggle with high prices at the pump, increasing domestic supply is the most effective way to ease these price hikes, and liberal Washington Democrats finally started to realize it,” Boustany said. “This is only a small start to increase supplies of gas and crude oil to lower the price. Now, Congress needs to do more by increasing responsible American energy production to increase the supply further and drive costs down as soon as possible.”