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  • JCI information

About the JCI

The Journal of Clinical Investigation is a top-tier venue for critical advances in biomedical research. The JCI combines a 2007 Impact Factor of 16.915 with immediate free access to its articles to produce an ideal home for authors seeking the widest possible audience for their most important work. The journal is headed by Editor in Chief Dr. Laurence A. Turka and an Editorial Board of peer scientists at the University of Pennsylvania whose depth and experience ensures fair and competent peer review. Dr. Ushma Neill serves as the JCI's Executive Editor.

In addition to the scholarly biomedical research articles that the JCI has always published, the journal is now accepting Technical Advances (see list), which report new and important research tools and techniques with broad impact. These submissions should include application of the technique to a specific question relevant to understanding or treating a disease.

The JCI participates in PubMed Central and deposits research articles upon publication of each issue, which satisfies the NIH Public Access Policy and other similar funding agency requirements.

Preparing your submission to the JCI

Authors should review the following information before submitting:

Submitting your research to the JCI

The JCI accepts manuscript submissions online only; submissions by mail will be returned. New and de novo resubmissions require a nonrefundable US$70 submission fee by Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. In order to avoid confusion regarding correspondence, inquiries, and decisions, the JCI requires that only corresponding authors — not other authors listed on the submission — submit manuscripts.

Do you have a question about a manuscript you've already submitted? When a manuscript is received by the JCI, an acknowledgment is sent via e-mail to the corresponding author. Refer to the reference number assigned by the JCI noted in the acknowledgment to facilitate inquiries. Otherwise, reference the manuscript title and corresponding author name. Send e-mail to or call 734-222-6050.

Has your manuscript been accepted for publication? An authorship agreement form is required once a manuscript has been accepted for publication. The form must be signed by all authors and submitted to the JCI prior to publication. Each author must read and sign (1) the statement on authorship responsibility, (2) the statement on financial disclosure, and (3) either the statement on copyright assignment or the statement on federal employment. This document may be photocopied to distribute to coauthors for signature.
Authorship agreement form (PDF) (Problems?)

Pre-publication embargo guidelines

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