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Helpful Web Links for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities (GDFs)

Useful Links and Websites

Phase II EVR Systems and Components:

California Air Resources Board (CARB) website for the EVR/ISD program

CUPA Guidelines

Further information regarding CARB vapor recovery regulations

CARB information pamphlet on EVR

CARB Executive Orders - Phase II Vapor Recovery Certification

Advisory for upgrade of the Veeder-Root ISD software program from version 1.00 to 1.01.

Evaluation of the Vapor Systems Technologies, Inc. (VST) Phase II EVR system (vr-203-a) – State Water Resources Control Board

State Water Board requirements for gasoline dispensing facilities

International Code Council (ICC)

Information on financial assistance for EVR upgrades

RUST Program: The State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Financial Assistance offers direct grants and loans for replacement or repair of underground storage tanks (RUST). The program helps owners and operators of small independent underground storage tanks comply with the new requirements.

Phone and email

To report problems with EVR installation and equipment, please call SCAQMD (866) 770-9140.

SCAQMD Small Business Assistance Hotline (800) 388-2121

SCAQMD Permitting Assistance
Randy Matsuyama (909) 396-2551



This page updated: October 23, 2008