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Gordon Secures $1.6 Million For TTU Army Research

September 25, 2008, WASHINGTON, D.C. –  The modern soldier carries an array of electronic equipment, all of which rely on cumbersome and short-lived battery packs for power. Enabling America’s troops to move around the battlefield more easily will allow them to better avoid injury and accomplish their missions. The U.S. House approved a request from Congressman Bart Gordon on Wednesday to provide $1.6 million to Tennessee Technological University to develop improved, lightweight portable batteries for the Army.

“We have the best trained and equipped military in the world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t continually improve technologies to better protect them,” Gordon said. “The research funding approved today will allow TTU researchers to continue developing the battle-tested tools and equipment necessary to accomplish this goal.”

TTU researchers have been working with the U.S. Army’s Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center Fuel Cell Team since 2005 to develop improved power sources for battlefield use. The $1.6 million of federal funds will allow TTU to continue their efforts to supply the military with working models of next generation batteries – batteries that are smaller and lighter. Advances in battery technologies can also reach far beyond the battlefield.

“From GPS to the internet, history has shown that the unique demands of our military often result in producing tools we can all use,” added Gordon. “TTU’s research and development of new energy storage systems could very well result in the breakthroughs that put vehicles on the road powered by non-petroleum products, which could be what brings an end to our dependence of foreign oil.”

“We are honored for this opportunity to use our technological expertise to support our military forces,” said TTU President Bob Bell. “We are blessed with some of the most outstanding researchers and faculty in this field, and we understand the far-reaching impact a project like this can have. We appreciate Congressman Gordon’s efforts toward this project and his long-standing support of our research.”

The House of Representatives approved Gordon’s request, including it in the annual funding bill for the U.S. Department of Defense. This bill was part of an appropriations package that passed the House yesterday. Although the Senate might make changes to the package, the TTU funding is expected to be granted in full.


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