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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

The information in this DCL regarding OCSE's Military Liaison Officer is obsolete. The current Military Liasion Officer is:

Larry Holtz
Court and Military Liaison Officer
Office of Child Support Enforcement - 4th floor
370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW
Washington, DC 20447
(202) 401-5376; Fax (202) 205-4342

DCL-00-49 APR 26, 2000


RE: DFAS Addresses for Child Support Requests for Department of Defense (DOD)
Child Support Cases

Dear Colleague:

The purpose of this letter is to provide with you with the addresses of the Defense Finance Accounting Service (DFAS) for the following child support correspondence:

As you are probably aware, all income withholding orders for DOD cases should be sent to the DFAS center in Cleveland, OH (see lower half of attached chart). At this site, the DFAS legal staff review each income withholding order. When an income withholding order has been approved, DFAS sends the pay work sheet to the appropriate pay center for implementation.

A request for verification of employment or pay information regarding a DOD employee should be sent to a particular pay center, depending on the branch of service. The attached chart lists these addresses by category (see upper half of attached chart). You will need the Federal Employer Identifier Number (FEIN), from the Quarterly Wage Report in order to identify which Center to contact for information regarding a DOD civilian employee (see FEINs listed directly under each CIVILIAN column). We hope you will find this helpful in routing your requests to the correct address, thus expediting the receipt of information.

We encourage you to widely disseminate this information within your state system. If you have any questions regarding military child support issues, please contact the Military Liaison Officer, Marilyn Michaels, at (808) 692-7139 or or


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement

Enclosure: Employer Addresses

CC: Regional Administrators
Regional Program Managers

Employer Addresses (20K M.S. Excel Document)

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