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Craig Kalman, M.A., CEAP, Employee Assistance Consultant, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
Check Out a Success Story

Meet a real Counseling Psychologist:

Craig Kalman

"My brother and I are both Towson State University (TSU) alumni and big football fans. My brother wrote the lyrics and music of a song about about the legendary Baltimore Colts quarterback, Johnny Unitas. In 2003, when TSU renamed their stadium in honor of Unitas, they played his original song at the dedication ceremony."


Assess and evaluate individuals' problems through the use of case history, interview, and observation and provide individual or group counseling services to assist individuals in achieving more effective personal, social, educational, and vocational development and adjustment.

Minimum Education Required


Learn more about Counseling Psychologist

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Nurse, Registered (Jean Jenkins)
Program Analyst (Dennis Askwith)
Public Relations Specialist (Kelli Carrington)
Public Relations Specialist (Geoff Spencer)
Biological Technician (Joel Han)
Biological Technician (Peggy Hall)
Biologist (Angela Atwood-Moore)
Biological Technician (Keisha Hines-Harris)
Biologist (Faith Pangilinan)
Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologist (Vivian Morales)
Medical Scientist (Milton English)
Sonographer, Diagnostic Medical (Diane Johnson)
Art Therapist (Megan Robb)
Dental Hygienist (Sherri Gollins)
Medical Records and Health Information Technician (Maritza Sinclair)
Biology Teacher, Secondary (Egda M. Morales-Ramos)

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