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Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program assistance with heating and cooling costs

LIHEAP Grantee Survey for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2007

AT-2008-2, DATED 11/30/07                          

               STATE GRANTEES
SUBJECT: LIHEAP Grantee Survey for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2007 RELATED Section 2610(b) of the Low Income Home Energy REFERENCES: Assistance Act, Title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, as amended; ACF Annual Grantee Survey of the LIHEAP Program, as approved by OMB (OMB Control No. 0970-0076; Expiration Date - January 31, 2008); Federal Register Notice, Vol. 69, No. 86, pages 24606-24607, published on Tuesday, May 4, 2005. PURPOSE: Section 2610(b) of the LIHEAP statute requires the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to submit, no later than June 30 of each fiscal year, a report to Congress on LIHEAP for the prior fiscal year. As part of our preparing the LIHEAP Report to Congress for FFY 2007, we are requiring State LIHEAP grantees to complete the LIHEAP Grantee Survey for FFY 2007. The timeliness and accuracy of responses to the Survey are very important in: submitting fiscal data to Congress in the Department's LIHEAP Report to Congress for FFY 2007; responding to questions from Congress, the Department, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the White House, and other interested parties; and reporting LIHEAP performance results to the Department and OMB. Please e-mail your State's completed Survey to Katina Lawson in our office by December 17, 2007. This will be the same date that final data are due for the LIHEAP Household Report for FY 2007. BACKGROUND: The Survey collects data on sources and uses of funds, average benefits, and maximum income cutoff for 4-person households for each type of assistance provided by your State. Specifically, the Survey collects data for FY 2007 about your State's: availability and use of LIHEAP funds; average household benefit for each type of LIHEAP assistance provided by your State (except for weatherization assistance); and the maximum income cutoff for a 4-person household in effect on October 1, 2006 (the beginning of FFY 2007) for each type of LIHEAP assistance provided by your State. CONTENT: We are conducting this Survey electronically. State LIHEAP Directors are being sent by e-mail their State's LIHEAP Grantee Survey for FFY 2007. Survey instructions are attached to this Action Transmittal. Please contact us by Tuesday, December 4th, if you did not receive an electronic copy of your State's Survey. Pre-printed Information The Survey is individualized for your State, as we have pre-printed the following information in Section II ("Sources of Funds") in your State's Survey: Federally reported amounts of your State's Federal block grant allotments (net of Indian set-asides), net reallotted block grant funds, net emergency contingency funds, and leveraging incentive award funds, as applicable, for FFY 2007 are listed for items 1, 2, 3, and 7). As reported in your State's LIHEAP Grantee Survey for FY 2006, your State's carryover of FFY 2006 unobligated emergency contingency funds to FFY 2007, if any, not subject to the 10 percent carryover limit, is listed for item 4. As reported in your August 1st LIHEAP Carryover and Reallotment Report for FY 2007, your State's carryover of FFY 2007 funds to FFY 2008, if any, is listed for item 5. As reported in your State's FY 2006 LIHEAP Grantee Survey, your State's unobligated FFY 2006 leveraging incentive funds, if any, is listed for item 8. Please update all the preprinted information, as appropriate. The Federal LIHEAP block grant, realloted block grant funds, emergency contingency funds, and leveraging funds should be accurate for FFY 2007. If the Federal data are incorrect, please contact our office to discuss the matter. Section III Edit Checks Please enter data, as appropriate, for Section III ("Uses of Funds"). As indicated below, a number of the data items include an edit check. The edit checks can be viewed by clicking on the Survey Edit Check tab at the bottom of the Survey. The Edit Check spreadsheet includes the following edit checks (the edit check item numbers are also noted in Section III):
Section III Edit Checks
Item #
1. The maximum household income cutoff
for a 4-person household is equal to
or greater than 110 percent of the
2006 HHS Poverty Guidelines.
2. Weatherization funds are no greater
than 15 percent of funds payable
unless your State indicates that the
amount includes leveraging incentive
funds or that your State has received
a waiver to obligate up to 25 percent
of funds payable.
3. Carryover of unobligated funds is no
greater than 10 percent of funds
4. Funds payable to identify, develop,
and demonstrate leveraging programs
are not to exceed 0.08 percent or
$35,000, whichever is greater.
5. Assurance 16 funds are no greater
than 5 percent of funds payable.
6. Administrative/planning cost is
no greater than 10 percent of funds
7. “Total Funds Available” equals
“Total Uses of Funds.”

Please review the edit checks after all the data in Section III have been entered for the Survey. The Survey's Excel workbook will calculate values for the items described above. The calculations will be shown in the Survey Edit Check spreadsheet of the Survey's Excel workbook. Funds Payable The term, "funds payable," represents the base upon which the LIHEAP statutory limits are calculated. The base for Edit Checks for: Numbers 2-5 includes your State's net block allotment, net reallotted funds, net emergency contingency funds, and Petroleum Violation Escrow funds designated, if any, for LIHEAP. Number 5 includes the above funds and obligated leveraging incentive funds, if any. Number 6 includes the above funds and obligated leveraging incentive funds, if any. Calculating "funds payable" was complicated for FY 2006 by the following factors: The $1 billion in supplemental funds ($500 million in block grant funds and $500 million in emergency contingency funds) could not be used for administrative and planning costs. However, the later release of $79.96 million in emergency contingency funds could be used for administrative and planning costs. The above supplemental $500 million in block funds could be used as part of "funds payable" in determining the 10 percent limit on administrative and planning costs for FY 2006. Any remaining funds would be counted as part of the carryover of unobligated funds to FY 2007. The above supplemental $500 million in emergency contingency funds could be used as part of "funds payable" in determining the 10 percent limit on administrative and planning costs for FY 2006, FY 2007, or both fiscal years. Item 6 in Section 3 is where your State will indicate the amount of FFY 2006 Unobligated Emergency Contingency Funds, not Subject to 10 percent Carryover Limit, were obligated in FFY 2007. Some States may have decided to count most or all of the $500 million in supplemental emergency contingency funds in the base for calculating their maximum planning and administrative costs in FY 2006. We have assumed that any of the unobligated emergency contingency funds from the March 2006 release have been used in calculating "funds payable" in FY 2007. Please provide a note on the Survey if this assumption is incorrect for your State. Otherwise, the Survey Edit Checks may show a value above 10 percent that does not account for how your State calculated its base for administrative and planning costs. Any such funds included in the base for FY 2006 cannot be included in the base for FY 2007. We also have assumed that any of the unobligated emergency contingency funds from the September 2006 release of $79.96 million have been used in calculating "funds payable" in FY 2007. Please provide a note on the Survey if this assumption is incorrect for your State. Any such funds included in the base for FY 2006 cannot be included in the base for FY 2007. Page Protection There are a number of page-protected items in the Survey's Excel workbook including the Survey Edit Check page. The page protection ensures that formulas are not overwritten accidentally, and that the Survey's format remains consistent. Therefore, please do not change the electronic format of your State's Survey by adding or deleting rows or columns. If the Survey cannot accommodate information that you need to display, consider using the note section or contact our office to discuss the matter. Important Points Your attention to the points below will minimize our need to contact you, thus expediting the completion of the Survey process. This will enhance our timeliness to compile and report the Survey's results in the LIHEAP Report to Congress. Please pay particular attention to the following points: Please review the edit checks and make appropriate changes to the Survey, as necessary. Uses of Funds represent a State's obligation of funds, not expenditure of funds. (In some cases, obligated block grant funds are not actually expended until after the end of the FFY.) Please exclude Department of Energy funds in response to the LIHEAP weatherization assistance in Section III, A.4. Under certain conditions, HHS may grant a waiver that raises the weatherization limit from 15 percent to 25 percent. Place an x under "Yes" or "No" in the grid to the right of the Edit Check to indicate whether your State received such a waiver from HHS for weatherization for FFY 2007. The use of leveraging funds for weatherization does not count towards the 15 or 25 percent limit on the use of LIHEAP funds for weatherization. Place an x in the grid to the right of the Edit Check to indicate whether your State obligated leveraging incentive funds for weatherization, as such funds do not count against the 15 percent limit. Please review and respond to all items in the Survey, as appropriate. The types of information requested are noted by the following symbols: O $0 for financial data (report whole dollars) and O ? for text information such as describing "other crisis assistance benefits" in Section III (a-c). Please do not enter data where there are xxxxxx's. Under Section III (Uses of LIHEAP Funds), complete columns A, B, and C if responding to any of the items 1-3. If responding to "other crisis benefits" in item 3, please describe briefly the purpose of the other crisis benefits. For item 4, complete columns A and C. Please check the consistency between your State's LIHEAP Household Report for FY 2007 and LIHEAP Grantee Survey for FY 2007 concerning the types of LIHEAP assistance provided. Please do not delay completing your State's Survey. Estimates of obligated funds are acceptable if actual data are unavailable. Unless we hear from you otherwise, we expect to receive your State's completed Survey by December 17, 2007. Please e-mail the Survey to Katina Lawson. INQUIRIES TO: Katina Lawson, Program Analyst Division of Energy Assistance Office of Community Services, ACF, HHS 370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20447 Telephone: (202) 401-6527 E-mail: ATTACHMENT: (1) Instructions for the LIHEAP Grantee Survey for FFY 2007 ______________/s_____________ Nick St.Angelo Director Division of Energy Assistance