Matheson: More Kids Will Have Health Insurance

January 14, 2009

Washington, D.C.—Congressman Jim Matheson today supported the reauthorization of a landmark program designed to provide health insurance for the children of the working poor.  The House-passed Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2009—HR 2-- helps ensure that 11 million eligible children nationally will have access to coverage.

"Nearly 100,000 children in Utah lack health insurance and with this economic downturn, that number will increase unless we act.  Every parent knows what it is like to have a sick child and their desire to help make them well.  This program has made doctor and dentist visits possible for thousands of Utah children.  Caring for kids is always the right thing to do," said Matheson.

Matheson said the bipartisan SCHIP program passed Congress and was signed into law in 1997.  It set up a public-private partnership that provided matching federal and state dollars so that the working poor could buy health insurance for their kids.  Since its inception, more than 134,000 Utah children have been covered under SCHIP.

"Health coverage is the door to our health care system.  Keeping this successful program alive helps ensure that door is not closed to thousands of deserving Utah families," said Matheson.


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