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Certification/Registration Program
(Non-RECLAIM and Non-Title V Facilities Only)

Business owners who buy equipment certified by AQMD will be able to obtain operating permits quickly and at less cost than before. A model/family of equipment is certified when AQMD approves it as meeting all applicable air quality requirements.

Business owners who purchase certified/registered equipment...

  • Will be mailed a permit to operate, expeditiously after receipt of their completed application by AQMD
  • Pay a reduced processing fee

Manufacturers who participate in the program...

  • Are able to meet customer needs for equipment that has been pre-approved to meet all air quality rules
  • Spend less time assisting customers with permitting
  • Are informed and kept up-to-date with the rules and regulations that affect the equipment they sell
  • Are encouraged to participate in the program on a voluntary basis

If you have purchased or plan to purchase equipment from a manufacturer participating in the program, be sure to pick up your application package for registration from the dealer/distributor. Manufacturers who are interested in joining the program are encouraged to contact the Area Source Team.

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