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Gordon Supports Veterans Benefits And Services

December 12, 2007, WASHINGTON – The U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation to improve health care and expand business opportunities for veterans, announced U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon.

“If we don’t honor and support our veterans, how can we expect future generations to serve in the military,” said Gordon. “We simply aren’t doing enough for our veterans, and we can do better. This legislation will help with vision care and business opportunities for returning veterans, and they partner with the House’s commitment to providing the largest increase in veterans care in the 77-year history of the VA.

“When my father got out of the service, he worked at the York VA, and I volunteered there when I was growing up. I’ve seen firsthand the need for better veterans care, and I will keep fighting to make sure this nation honors the promises made to our veterans.”

On Monday, (Dec. 11), the House passed legislation to increase benefits available to veterans with eye injuries. The new legislation would provide benefits for veterans who suffer eye injuries.
Currently, veterans who are blind in one eye are eligible for compensation. That benefit is not increased if the veteran is impaired in the second eye; instead, veterans are only eligible for additional vision benefits if they go blind in the second eye.

Last week, the House passed H.R. 4253 to expand entrepreneurial opportunities available to veterans through the Small Business Administration’s office of Veteran Business Development. The bill would add Veterans Business Outreach Centers across the country to support veteran-owned businesses.

H.R. 4253 would also improve programs designed to help relieve the challenges small business owners face during deployments by employees who are reservists. The bill would provide additional assistance to these business owners through the Small Business Association.

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