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House Approves Funds For Improvements At Stones River Battlefield

November 14, 2007, WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation that includes $1 million for new entrances and an improved driving tour at Stones River National Battlefield, announced U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon.

“New entrances to the park will give the battlefield a new face and make it more accessible to the 200,000 visitors who go there each year,” said Gordon. “It’s important to preserve this historic space and provide visitors with a complete understanding of the enormity of the battle. It was one of only 45 Civil War battles to have a major impact on the war.”

The funds would be used for improvements to the driving tour route and to create two new entrances on Thompson Lane to bring visitors into the main park area and the Artillery Monument area.

The funding is included in a compromise of House and Senate versions of an annual funding bill for the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Senate is expected to approve the conference report, and it will then go to the president for his signature.

“We’re thrilled,” said Stuart Johnson, superintendent of Stones River National Battlefield. “This takes us one step closer to the dream of completing the tour route project and adding new entrances to provide the public with better access to the park.”

Johnson said initial planning of the improvements has been completed. Officials are now finalizing more detailed planning and engineering concepts, which will include construction specifications.

The existing driving tour route at the battlefield only partially interprets the battle’s major action and offers an incomplete understanding of the battle. The battlefield has more than doubled in size since the existing route was developed in the 1960s. Consequently, newer portions of the battlefield are inaccessible from the route.

“The improvements will enhance battlefield visits for students, Tennessee residents and out-of-state visitors,” said Gordon. “Virginia is the only state to receive more Civil War battlefield visitors annually than Tennessee. With these improvements, Stones River National Battlefield will continue to provide those visitors with a full and accurate account of what happened on this hallowed ground.”

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