Alexander, Gordon Tout Bill To Keep America’s “Brainpower Advantage”

August 30, 2007, MURFREESBORO – U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander and U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon today led a roundtable discussion at Middle Tennessee State University on the benefits to Murfreesboro and Tennessee of the newly passed America COMPETES (Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education and Science) Act, which President Bush signed into law on August 9th.

“The America COMPETES Act will help us keep our brainpower advantage by supporting math and science teacher training at universities like MTSU,” Alexander said. “More Tennessee students and teachers will also be able to participate in internships and summer academies at national laboratories and more graduate students will earn cutting edge degrees like MTSU’s professional science master’s degree.”

“American universities will play an important role in keeping our nation competitive,” said Gordon. “MTSU’s efforts can benefit our state and nation by boosting math and science education and ensuring we have a highly skilled workforce to help keep good jobs on U.S. soil.”

The $34 billion legislation was written in response to a National Academy of Sciences report that was requested by Alexander and Gordon. It would set basic scientific research at three government agencies on a path to double over the next seven years and establishes or expands a number of initiatives to improve the teaching of math and science to children. For example, the bill authorizes up to $2 million per year for new math and science academies like that being visited by Governor Bredesen this afternoon in Knoxville.

Other participants in the discussion included Holly Sears of the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce; Don Odom, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Curriculum for Rutherford County schools; Kaylene Gebert, MTSU Provost and Executive Vice President, and Mike Allen, MTSU Vice Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies. MTSU President Sidney McPhee hosted the event.

Alexander, a former Secretary of Education and Governor of Tennessee, sits on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee which has responsibility for education provisions in the bill. He also sits on the Appropriations Committee, which will be responsible for funding the act’s initiatives.

Gordon, Chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee, drafted the House version of the legislation.

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