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Cookeville Graduates Lend A Hand In Gordon’s D.C. Office

August 24, 2007, WASHINGTON – Two Cookeville High School graduates got an up-close look at the workings of Congress as they interned in U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon’s office this summer.

Cookeville residents John Rader and Drew Webb were two of the interns who provided assistance to Gordon this summer. Both have returned to fall classes at the University of Tennessee.

“It’s rewarding to know that bright young people like John and Drew take an interest in our government,” said Gordon. “I hope their internships helped bring the legislative process alive by showing them how Congress works and how the views of people back home make a difference in the debates in Washington.”

After serving as an intern in Gordon’s personal office last summer, John returned to Washington to assist Gordon at the House Science and Technology Committee, where the congressman serves as chairman.

John assisted the committee on projects involving global health security and the public health intervention at U.S. ports-of-entry. He also had an opportunity to work alongside staff of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, assisting in researching foreign space programs issues surrounding NASA’s Space Shuttle missions and the International Space Station programs.

"I really appreciate Chairman Gordon giving me the opportunity to work on the committee,” said John. “I enjoyed working with the committee in its negotiations with Senate committee members on the America COMPETES Act. Being engrossed in the ‘dance of legislation’ was extremely exciting for me, and working on the committee was an experience that I will continue to cherish."

Drew served as an intern in Gordon’s personal office in Washington, D.C. He assisted Gordon and his staff by attending congressional briefings, answering questions from Middle Tennessee residents on a wide variety of topics, and giving tours of the U.S. Capitol to visiting Middle Tennesseans.

“The time that I spent in D.C. interning for Bart Gordon was certainly the highlight of my summer,” said Drew. “I really enjoyed working with constituents. My internship certainly gave me some great insight on the issues that are facing Middle Tennessee, as well as a better understanding of the inner workings of Congress. I was truly impressed with Bart Gordon's work ethic and his dedication to the people of Middle Tennessee.”

Drew, son of Lee and Jean Webb, is beginning his sophomore year at UT as a political science major. He is an Arts and Sciences Senator in the Student Government Association, philanthropy chair of the Kappa Alpha fraternity and a member of Student Alumni Associates.

John, son of Dan and Rachel Rader, is beginning his senior year at UT where he will serve as Student Body President for the 2007-2008 academic year. He is also an active member of the Interfraternity Council at UT.

In addition to being elected into Phi Beta Kappa as a junior, John was recently selected as a Baker Scholar and serves as a Staff Editor for the Howard H. Baker, Jr. Journal for Public Policy. He majors in UT’s College Scholars with an emphasis on the history of U.S. foreign and public policy, specifically regarding the United States' relationship with the European Union.

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