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Gordon Votes To Improve Services To Veterans

June 15, 2007, WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon voted for legislation to improve health care and services for the nation’s veterans by ending underfunding that has plagued the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

“The 532,000 veterans in Tennessee deserve more than backlogs and inadequate care,” said Gordon. “They have made tremendous sacrifices while serving this nation, and they deserve to know their medical needs will be met when they seek care.”

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the funding bill for the VA, and the legislation now goes to the Senate for consideration.

The bill provides the single largest funding increase in the 77 year history of the VA and includes provisions that would:
• Add more than 1,100 new claims processors to reduce the backlog of claims from veterans seeking disability and other benefits.
• Help to address health care needs stemming from post traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries and lost limbs.
• Improve the health care records system to ease the transfer of medical records from the Department of Defense healthcare system to the VA system.
• Fund maintenance of VA health care facilities to prevent scandals such as what occurred earlier this year after an investigation of conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
• Support the development and operation of a phone and Internet hotline for veterans to report deficiencies in VA medical facilities and care.
• Increase mileage reimbursement for qualifying veterans who must travel to a VA facility for services.

The Veterans Health Administration estimates the VA will treat more than 5.8 million patients in 2008, including more than 263,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.

“We often honor veterans with our words, but this bill will help to honor them by our actions,” said Gordon.

The bill has widespread support from veterans groups, including the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Disabled Veterans of America and AMVETS.

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