House Votes To Improve STEM Education And Boost Energy Research

June 6, 2007, WASHINGTON – The U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation that will help to boost American competitiveness by providing better access to math and science scholarships and increasing research in energy efficiency, announced U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon.

“The keys to maintaining U.S. competitiveness are creating a highly skilled workforce and increasing our energy independence,” said Gordon. “These bills will help to meet those needs and to ensure that the best jobs remain on American soil.”

Today, the House approved the National STEM Scholarship Database Act, H.R. 1051, which directs the Department of Education to maintain a database of financial assistance programs for students studying science, technology, engineering and math.

Gordon, the chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee, has been a champion of efforts to improve math and science education. Earlier this year, he introduced legislation that would create training institutes for current teachers and scholarships for math and science majors who agree to become teachers upon their graduation.

The House also approved the Green Energy Education Act, H.R. 1716, which would raise awareness and improve education about energy efficient technologies and design practices among building professionals. The bill would help universities improve architecture and engineering education programs to promote the construction of energy efficient buildings.

“By maximizing domestic energy sources and implementing energy efficient methods, we can become a more energy independent nation,” said Gordon. “Reducing our dependence on foreign energy must be a priority. Our current dependence is a threat to our national security.”

Gordon has introduced legislation to ensure the federal government is a leader in energy efficiency and to improve energy and water efficiency standards for several household appliances, including dishwashers, refrigerators and clothes washers.

The congressman also has introduced legislation to create an Advanced Research Projects Agency at the U.S. Department of Energy to focus on high-risk, high-reward research on new energy technologies.

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