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Gordon Recognizes Math and Science Teachers on National Teacher Day

May 8, 2007, WASHINGTON – On National Teacher Day, U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon recognized the millions of teachers across this country working to ensure that today’s children are prepared for the careers of the future – especially those in math and science fields.

National Teacher Day, sponsored by the National Education Association, honors teachers for the lasting contributions they make in the lives of their students. Congress declared the first National Teacher Day in 1980, and the day now is celebrated annually on Tuesday of the first full week in May.

“Many of our teachers are responsible for inspiring our kids into their future careers,” said Gordon, chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology. “It’s our job as parents and lawmakers to ensure that teachers have the support, tools and training they need to best do their jobs.”

On April 24, the U.S. House of Representatives passed two of Gordon’s bills aimed at strengthening math and science education in the nation’s schools.

Gordon’s “10,000 Teachers, 10 Million Minds” Math and Science Scholarship Act is designed to improve education and training opportunities for current teachers, and add thousands of highly qualified math and science teachers in grades K-12 by providing scholarship support for those just entering the field. The second bill, the Sowing the Seeds Through Science and Engineering Research Act, would increase support for long-term scientific research and encourage young scientists to pursue high-risk/high reward research.

Both bills are based on the National Academies’ widely-regarded 2005 report, which was compiled after Gordon and a bipartisan group of lawmakers requested an assessment of U.S. innovation, education and competitiveness. The report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm,” found that the U.S. could lose its footing as a global economic leader unless action is taken to bolster teacher training and learning in math, science and technical fields.

“We have a lot of great teachers out there who are often asked to teach subjects outside of their comfort area,” said Gordon. “My father got the last available teaching job at Smyrna High School when I was born. He was assigned to coach the girl’s basketball team and teach science.

“We’ve put a lot of our teachers in that situation. Our children cannot be prepared for the jobs of the future unless our teachers are able and equipped to prepare them.”

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