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Gordon Urges Residents To Contact TVA About Algood Transmission Line

March 1, 2007, ALGOOD – U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon is urging residents to contact the Tennessee Valley Authority with their concerns about the proposed routes for the new transmission line to Algood.

“While it appears an upgrade may be needed in this growing area, I have encouraged TVA not to impact private property and the environment with their routing,” said Gordon.

Gordon’s office contacted TVA and asked the agency to consider proposals that would use existing rights-of-way and reduce the effect on landowners. Gordon also asked TVA to extend the public comment period to allow more residents to voice their concerns.

TVA has since told Gordon it will extend the comment period deadline from March 9 to March 16.

“Residents now have an opportunity to let TVA know what they think of the proposed routes,” said Gordon.

Concerned residents can contact TVA by calling the agency toll-free at 1-800-362-4355 or sending an e-mail to Comments can also be mailed to:
Todd Moore
Tennessee Valley Authority
1101 Market St. (MR 4G)
Chattanooga, TN 37402.

Detailed information about the project can be found at A detailed map of the proposed routes is available for viewing at Gordon’s Cookeville office, located at 15 S. Jefferson St. in Cookeville.

Washington Office
2306 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4231
Fax: (202) 225-6887
Murfreesboro Office
305 West Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Phone: (615) 896-1986
Cookeville Office
15 South Jefferson
Cookeville, TN 38501
Phone: (931) 528-5907
Gallatin Office
100 Public Square, B-100
Gallatin, TN 37066
Phone: (615) 451-5174

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