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HUD Grant Helps Marshall County Domestic Violence Victims

February 22, 2007, LEWISBURG – A $73,332 U.S. Housing and Urban Development grant, to be administered through the Maury County Center Against Domestic Violence, will help homeless victims of domestic violence and their children find housing in Marshall County, U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon announced.

“Clearly, these funds will be put to good use,” Gordon said. “The Supportive Housing Program helps agencies, like the Maury County Center Against Domestic Violence, to provide assistance and supportive services to homeless individuals.

“Domestic violence victims may be more likely to get away from a life-threatening situation if they know help is out there.”

The Maury County Center Against Domestic Violence serves Maury and surrounding counties, including Marshall County. Grant funds will go toward four transitional apartments with 14 beds to house four families, Executive Director Angela Slack said.

“The money goes a long way. It also employs two people who provide case management to victims,” Slack said. “We work toward self-sufficiency and removing the barriers that would make individuals go back to an abusive situation. The services are there to help people heal from the abuse they have suffered.”

The center helps victims with understanding their finances, car repairs, affordable housing, medical and other needs.

The transitional apartments are completely furnished, down to hygiene items and food. Slack said domestic violence victims face the unique position of having to compile an entire household. Oftentimes, victims have bad or no credit as a result of the situation they left.

“We hope the community understands the difficulties involved in leaving an abusive situation,” she said.

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