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F.B.I. Must Have the Necessary Resources to Investigate CEOs

October 28, 2008, WASHINGTON– Today, Congressman Bart Gordon called upon the U.S. Attorney General to act immediately and make certain the F.B.I. has the resources needed to thoroughly carry out the high-level corporate fraud investigations it has launched.

In a letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Congressman Gordon wrote, “Let me be clear about the desired outcome I believe we both share when it comes to these F.B.I. fraud investigations: Any corporate executive who recklessly contributed to the current financial crisis should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

It was recently reported that the F.B.I. is not sufficiently staffed to carry out these investigations. In late September, the F.B.I. announced that it had launched high-level corporate fraud investigations to determine the level of responsibility corporate executives have in contributing to the financial crisis.

“I am calling on the Attorney General because it is essential that CEOs who knowingly brought about this crisis be punished and the billions of dollars that taxpayers have lost be recouped,” added Gordon. “Our message and our actions need to be that we will never again allow corporate greed to destroy the financial livelihoods of families across Middle Tennessee and the rest of our country.”

(Note: to view the signed letter sent to the Attorney General, click here.)

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