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$1.1 million FEMA award helps cover Sumner utility repairs

August 26, 2008, GALLATIN – A $1.1 million Federal Emergency Management Agency Public Assistance award will help Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation to recoup the majority of its repair costs in Sumner County from the Feb. 5 storms and tornadoes, U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon announced.

“Tri-County Electric acted as quickly as it could to repair its facilities and to restore power in Sumner County, following the worst storms in Tennessee in over 30 years. Thirty-two lives were lost and over 1,000 homes were damaged. Electricity is a basic need, particularly for victims in the face of such a tragedy and afterward,” Gordon said. “I am glad Tri-County Electric is being repaid for their efforts.”

Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation sustained damage to 33 miles of distribution line in Sumner, Trousdale and Macon counties, including 151 poles, 217 transformers and 102 meters, according to Executive Vice President and General Manager Paul Thompson.

“We appreciate Congressman Bart Gordon’s office notifying us that Tri-County Electric’s FEMA application from the Feb. 5 tornado damage was approved,” Thompson said. “Congressman Gordon has been a strong ally for rural electric cooperatives and our member-owners. Although we are grateful for his support of our application, we are even more appreciative of the fact that Congressman Gordon is there anytime we need him in our rural communities.”

Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation’s grant application did not include damage to TVA facilities, Thompson said.

The FEMA award covers 75 percent of total repairs approaching $1.5 million.

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