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Energy Bill Preserves Gordon’s Measures

December 18, 2007, WASHINGTON – The U.S. House of Representatives passed an amended energy bill that includes legislation U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon authored to reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign energy sources.

“For too long, we have depended on a handful of limited energy resources to power our economy,” said Gordon, chairman of the House Science and Technology Committee. “The path forward to our energy future is lined with new technologies that will diversify our energy supply with clean and renewable energy sources and improve our energy efficiency.”

The U.S. House of Representatives approved the amended version of H.R. 6 today (Dec. 18). The bill has been approved by the Senate and now goes to the president for signature.

During the year, the Science and Technology Committee has focused on legislation to develop energy technologies to address global climate change and reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign energy. Eight bills cleared by the committee made up the core of the energy package, which included a bill Gordon authored to help advance energy storage technologies that are critical to more widespread use of renewable electricity and advanced batteries for vehicles.

"Although this bill is a bit slimmer than the bill passed by the House last week, it still represents a significant step forward," said Gordon. “The bill directs new investments in solar energy and new geothermal technologies that can be deployed in every part of the country. It significantly expands research into biofuels, including new fuels like cellulosic ethanol, and provides increased investment in technologies to capture and store carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plants, which will help ensure that the U.S. can continue to use its vast domestic coal supply in cleaner and more efficient ways.”

The amended package also includes a bill Gordon authored as a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee to raise the energy efficiency standards for certain home appliances, such as refrigerators and clothes washers.

"H.R. 6 alone may not solve our energy and environment challenges, but it is a critical down payment on a cleaner and more independent energy future," said Gordon.

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