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Gordon Continues Support For Civil War Heritage Area

October 24, 2007, WASHINGTON – Furthering historic preservation efforts that benefit Tennessee tourism, U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon voted to continue support for the Tennessee Civil War National Heritage Area.

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation to authorize funding for certain national heritage areas, including the Tennessee Civil War National Heritage Area. The bill, which makes the state’s area eligible for additional federal funding, now goes to the Senate for consideration.

“In four years, we will honor the 150th anniversary of the Civil War,” said Gordon. “It’s important we preserve and interpret our battlefields and historic sites so that future generations can understand and appreciate our nation’s rich history.

“Our battlefields are treasured areas for state residents and for history buffs. Standing on a battlefield provides a tangible experience that can’t be duplicated by reading a textbook about the Civil War.”

Gordon, a co-sponsor of the bill, introduced legislation to form the Tennessee Civil War National Heritage Area through a proposal written by the Middle Tennessee State University Center for Historic Preservation. Congress approved the legislation in 1996.

The heritage area includes all 95 counties in Tennessee.

“Because of the numerous Civil War battles fought across the state, every Tennessee county can benefit from the opportunities for tourism, education, and economic development that are provided through the heritage area,” said Gordon.

Virginia is the only state to host more Civil War battlefield visitors than Tennessee annually.

Gordon, a co-founder of the Civil War Battlefield Caucus, is a long-time supporter of battlefield preservation efforts. In June, the Civil War Preservation Trust awarded Gordon its National Preservation Leadership Award in recognition of his efforts to preserve Civil War battlefields.

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