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House Approves Gordon’s Energy Bill

October 22, 2007, WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon’s legislation to provide consumers with a more reliable and efficient power supply.

H.R. 3776, the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Act of 2007, aims to improve the operation of the nation’s electricity delivery system and advance energy storage technologies for use in electric drive vehicles. Gordon’s bill also supports the ability of the United States to remain globally competitive in the field.

“Our economic and environmental security lies in our ability to deploy the next generation energy technologies,” said Gordon. “Advances in energy storage are vital to diversifying America’s energy supply and transforming our transportation sector.”

Today, electricity is generated as it is used. Very little is stored for later use, but demand for electric power varies greatly throughout the day and throughout the year. As a result, the electricity supply system must be sized to generate and transmit enough electricity to meet a short-lived peak demand.

Energy storage technologies would provide a means to stockpile energy for later use, reducing the need to generate more power during times of peak electricity demand.

The expanded use of energy storage would also help to avoid intensive upgrades of transmission and distribution facilities, and the technology would facilitate the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. Energy storage also can improve electricity reliability and energy security by providing an alternate power source during outages or emergencies.

“Greater efficiency usually results in lower rates for consumers,” said Gordon. “And with the severe storms and tornadoes that can occur in Tennessee, having an alternate power source could benefit residents during a storm.”

Energy storage technologies also could revolutionize the transportation sector by allowing for widespread introduction of more electric-drive vehicles. Switching vehicles’ primary energy source from petroleum-based fuels to electric batteries reduces reliance on foreign supplies of conventional transportation fuels.

“Expanding the use of electric vehicles will require batteries that are smaller, lighter, more powerful, higher energy and cheaper,” said Gordon. “Meeting those needs will require considerable research and development, which this bill authorizes.”

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