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Gordon’s Energy Bill Cleared For House Vote

October 16, 2007, WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon’s legislation to provide consumers with a more efficient and reliable power supply has been approved by the House Science and Technology Committee.

The committee’s approval today clears the bill for a full vote by the U.S. House of Representatives.

“Right now, energy is generated to meet the current demand. When temperatures are extreme, people use more energy to heat and cool their homes. That puts a strain on our electric delivery system,” said Gordon, chairman of the Science and Technology Committee.

“If we can store energy at night when demand is low and discharge it for use during peak demand times, then we reduce the stress on the electric grid and increase the efficiency and reliability of our electric supply.”

Gordon’s bill, the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Act, authorizes energy storage research programs at the U.S. Department of Energy to improve the operation of the nation’s electricity delivery system and advance energy storage technologies for use in electric drive vehicles.

That research could reduce power outages during severe weather, as well as prevent blackouts and brownouts caused by strains on the power system during extremely hot or cold weather. If generated energy can be stored in large batteries when demand is low, consumers can rely on the stored energy when demand for power is high.

The research in new battery systems for energy storage could clear the way for increased use of clean, renewable energy sources for residential use and for transportation, as well as build a competitive U.S. industry in this technology sector.

“If we are serious about reducing our dependence on foreign energy, we have to reduce our consumption of traditional fuels,” said Gordon.

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