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Gordon: Energy Technology Will Benefit Security, Environment and Consumers

October 11, 2007, WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon introduced legislation to provide the nation with economic, environmental and security benefits through energy storage technology.

“This technology could produce more efficient and reliable power systems,” said Gordon, chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology. “Efficiency can translate into lower energy costs for consumers, and a more reliable electricity supply could reduce power outages during severe weather.”

Gordon’s bill, H.R. 3776, the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Act, authorizes basic and applied energy storage research programs at the U.S. Department of Energy to lead to a robust domestic industry. The Science and Technology Subcommittee on Energy and Environment approved the legislation Wednesday (Oct. 10), clearing it for consideration by the full committee.

Energy storage technologies can improve operational efficiency and reliability of the nation’s electricity delivery system and facilitate the use of clean energy sources, such as wind and solar power.

Currently, electricity is used as it is generated with very little energy stored for later use. While this system has been in place for decades, it is not very efficient because demand for power varies greatly from night to day and from season to season. Today’s electricity supply systems must be sized up to generate enough electricity to meet the maximum anticipated demand, but that peak demand may last only a few days or hours.

Energy storage technologies would provide a means to stockpile energy for later use and reduce the need to generate more power during times of peak electricity demand.

“Better energy storage technologies will bring greater efficiency and reliability to our electricity delivery system, expand the use of renewable energy supplies, and reduce our reliance on conventional transportation fuels,” said Gordon.

Research in new battery systems could also lead to vehicle models that reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign energy.

“Energy storage is critical for the next generation of vehicles,” said Gordon. “We can improve our nation’s economic security by both reducing our dependence on foreign oil and improving the production process so the U.S. becomes a leader in manufacturing these new technologies.”

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