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Gordon Blasts Decision To Allow Mexican Trucks On Nation’s Roads

September 5, 2007, WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon blasted a court’s decision to allow Mexican trucks to operate in the United States, saying the decision threatened highway safety and U.S. jobs.

Citing oversight concerns, Public Citizen and other groups challenged the Department of Transportation’s program to allow Mexican trucking companies to conduct long-haul, cross-border operations. An appeal court rejected the challenge on Friday (Aug. 31), setting the pilot program’s wheels in motion.

“It seems to me that this program is being implemented with haste rather than with caution,” said Gordon. “This court decision jeopardizes highway safety.”

Currently, Mexico-based trucks are allowed only into the roughly 20-mile commercial zone along the border, where their loads are transferred to U.S. trucks.

In May, Gordon voted for legislation that would limit the number of Mexico-based trucks allowed to operate outside the commercial zone and ensure those trucks meet U.S. safety standards. The bill, H.R. 1773, the Safe American Roads Act, would also prevent Mexican trucks from operating in the U.S. unless Mexico allows American trucks the same level of access south of the border.

“American drivers must undergo drug tests and pass background checks to haul hazardous materials, and they have to meet hours of service requirements to ensure safety and alertness while driving. Unless every trucker who crosses the border is also required to meet those standards, we’re sacrificing safety and compromising American jobs,” said Gordon.

“The Administration needs to exercise some caution and refrain from opening our roads when there are so many unanswered questions about this program.”

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