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Gordon’s Committee Welcomes Help From TTU Professor

August 17, 2007, WASHINGTON – The U.S. House Committee on Science and Technology, chaired by U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon, welcomed help and support this summer from a talented Tennessee Technological University professor.

Dr. S.K. Ballal, a professor of biology at TTU, was part of the committee’s intern team this summer.

“TTU has some of the brightest and most capable students and faculty in our nation,” said Gordon. “Dr. Ballal is a shining example of that talent. His hard work and expertise was appreciated this summer.”

Ballal recently completed his stint at the committee’s office in Washington, where he assisted committee members and staff in putting together congressional hearings. He also compiled information on a range of topics, including disposal of electronic hazardous waste in the United States.

Ballal has been on the faculty at Tennessee Tech since 1965, after receiving his Ph.D. from The University of Tennessee in 1964. He served as the president of the Tennessee Academy of Science in 1982, and the Institute of International Education awarded him its Fulbright Scholar Award in both 1998-1999 and 2003-2004. In addition to receiving the Outstanding Faculty Award at Tennessee Tech three times in his career, Ballal is also the editor of SAAS Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology.

His wife, Katherine, (formerly Katherine Hackett) is from Carthage, Tenn. The couple has two grown children, Matthew and Meera, both of whom have interned previously in Gordon’s congressional office.

“After working with the Science and Technology Committee, I came away very impressed with how hard Congressman Gordon and his staff work to maintain a cutting edge position on all the issues of science and technology in the U.S.,” said Ballal. “The rest of the world is envious of the leadership and the vision this country is providing to advance the cause of science. I only hope we continue this trend in the future because the money we spend on science and technology is an investment for our future.”

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