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House Approves $800,000 For TTU STEM Center

July 27, 2007, COOKEVILLE – The U.S. House of Representatives approved $800,000 in federal funding for Tennessee Technology University to further its efforts to improve science and math education in Tennessee’s schools, announced U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon.

“When today’s innovators are asked about their inspiration for entering a science-related field, they often say they were inspired by great teachers,” said Gordon, chairman of the House Committee on Science and Technology.

“The key to ensuring that the U.S. keeps its competitive edge in today’s world is making sure we have knowledgeable, engaging teachers to inspire our students and give them the skills they will need for the jobs of the future.”

The House approved the funding Thursday (July 26) in a federal appropriations bill for science-related agencies, such as NASA. The Senate must now approve the measure.

Tennessee Tech will use the funding for its Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Center, or STEM Center. TTU already has many STEM programs in place, such as summer training institutes for teachers across the state, educational programs for schoolchildren and curriculum for TTU students who intend to become teachers.

TTU is planning to build a 20,000 square foot STEM Center building to house state-of-the-art laboratories, staff and support areas, an auditorium and virtual theatre. The center, to be named after TTU benefactor Millard Oakley, will link local schools and communities with the university to improve educational opportunities for both teachers and students.

“I am truly grateful for Congressman Gordon’s steadfast support for this project,” said TTU President Bob Bell. “He has been a leader in both planning and funding for the Center. Bart understands the importance of our efforts related to enhancing the science and technology-related educational opportunities available to the children of this region. These funds bring us even closer to making the Oakley STEM Center building a reality and a dream come true for many teachers.”

Efforts to improve science and math education have been a priority for Gordon. He has introduced legislation in the House to address the nations’ shortage of certified math and science teachers.

Gordon’s bill, the 10,000 Teachers, 10 Million Minds Science and Math Scholarship Act, would offer scholarships to science, math and engineering students who commit to becoming science or math teachers at elementary and secondary schools upon completion of their degrees. The bill would also authorize summer training institutes for teachers to focus on improving content knowledge.

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