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House Approves Funding For Historic Lewisburg Building

June 28, 2007, LEWISBURG – Local officials are one step closer to receiving federal funding for restoration of a historic building in Lewisburg, thanks to the efforts of U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon.

The unique facility, listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Ladies Rest Room, is slated to receive $100,000 in a federal bill funding the National Park Service. The bill has been approved by the U.S. House of Representatives and now goes to the Senate for consideration.

“Properties listed on the National Register are put there because they have a significance to all Americans,” said Gordon. “This funding will ensure the building remains standing for future generations to learn about a different and more genteel time in our nation’s history.”

When an adjoining building to the lounge was torn down in recent years, the integrity of the facility’s north wall was disturbed because the two buildings shared a common wall. City officials say the city is planning to stabilize that wall, and the federal funding from the National Park Service’s Save America’s Treasures program will be used for restoration.

“This is a part of our history that is honored with a place on the National Register,” said Lewisburg Mayor Bob Phillips. “At a time when people are tearing down buildings left and right, it’s important to save this historic site.”

The facility was built in 1924 to improve hospitality and the economy in Marshall County by giving rural women a place to rest and relax while their husbands were in town on farm business. County officials believed that if the county’s rural women had a comfortable space to rest, they would be more likely to accompany their husbands to town and shop.

The historical value of the building was recognized by the National Park Service in its publication, “Exploring a Common Past: Researching and Interpreting Women’s History for Historic Sites.” It has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1995.

Marshall County Mayor Joe Liggett said ownership of the building is in the process of being transferred from the county to the City of Lewisburg.

“We’re proud the city is willing to step up and restore the building,” said Liggett.

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