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Gordon Votes For Bills To Boost Small Businesses

June 20, 2007, WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon voted for legislation that will spur economic growth by helping the Small Business Administration to better serve the needs of small business owners.

“Small businesses are the backbone of our nations’ economy,” said Gordon. “By ensuring their success, we ensure that good jobs will be available in our communities.”

According to the Small Business Administration, 97.5 percent of American companies have fewer than 20 employees, but those companies have generated 60 to 80 percent of new job growth over the past decade.

Today, Gordon voted for the SBA Entrepreneurial Development Programs Act, H.R. 2359. The bill authorizes grants for small business development centers to provide small business owners with help for rising healthcare costs, support for energy efficiency technologies and assistance during natural disasters. It also aims to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens placed on small businesses.

On Monday (June 18), the U.S. House of Representatives approved additional bills designed to strengthen the Small Business Administration’s programs to help America’s entrepreneurs continue to drive economic growth.

The SBA Veterans’ Programs Act, H.R. 2366, would increase outreach for Small Business Administration services that focus on assisting veterans who own or want to start small businesses.

The SBA Women’s Business Programs Act, H.R. 2397, would expand efforts to assist female business owners and increase services in underserved communities.

“These efforts will help more Americans realize the dream of owning their own business,” said Gordon.

The Small Business Administration has provided financial, technical and management assistance to small businesses since 1953.

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