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Murfreesboro Fire Department Receives Grant

March 1, 2007, MURFREESBORO – The Murfreesboro Fire Department will receive a $309,760 U.S. Department of Homeland Security equipment grant, U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon announced.

“Many communities struggle to maintain fire-protection services,” said Gordon, a member of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus. “Even though demands on firefighters have increased tremendously over the years, the resources they depend on to provide their life-saving services have not.

“That’s why Congress initiated the Assistance to Firefighters Program, which is similar to the highly successful COPS program that put more than 100,000 new police officers on the nation’s streets.”

Fire Chief David Baxter said the funds would be used to buy 71 self-contained breathing apparatuses, spare air cylinders and two new compressors.

“These federal grants help fire departments across the country,” Baxter said. “We’re glad that our mayor and council allow us to apply for these grants.”

Homeland Security awarded the grant through the Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program, which provides smaller law enforcement and emergency responder agencies with equipment items that will enhance and support regional response, mutual aid and interoperability of responder equipment.

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Phone: (615) 896-1986
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