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Gordon’s Committee Web Site Receives Highest Honor

February 27, 2007, WASHINGTON – The Web site of the House Committee on Science and Technology, which is chaired by U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon, was honored as one of the best in Congress.

The site received the 2006 Gold Mouse Award, the highest honor issued by the Congressional Management Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan management consulting and research organization in Washington, D.C.

The site, now located at, was one of 615 evaluated in The 2006 Gold Mouse Report: Recognizing the Best Web Sites on Capitol Hill, which analyzed all congressional, committee and official leadership Web sites. It was one of only 18 to receive the Gold Mouse Award.

“I hope our site can continue to be a valuable informational tool for anyone in search of science and technology information – whether it’s a teacher in search of lesson plans, a student who needs questions answered or any concerned citizen who likes to stay informed on the work of Congress,” said Gordon.

The Congressional Management Foundation report stated the committee site “provides as much content as a user could expect from any congressional committee. It does an excellent job of showcasing information in a way that improves the users’ sense of depth and breadth of the committee’s duties.”

The Gold Mouse Report and Awards are part of the Congressional Management Foundation’s broader research project, “Connecting to Congress,” funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Web site scores were based on audience, content, usability, interactivity and innovation.

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