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Gordon Votes To Revoke Pensions Of Corrupt Lawmakers

January 23, 2007, WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today (Jan. 23), U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon voted to ensure that lawmakers will forfeit their taxpayer-funded pensions if they are convicted of bribery or certain other crimes related to corruption of power.

“Right now, corrupt politicians are still eligible to receive taxpayer-funded congressional pensions even if they are convicted of serious abuses of power,” said Gordon. “This legislation changes that and takes an important step to restoring trust in Congress.”

The U.S. House of Representatives approved H.R. 476, which would deny pensions to sitting members of Congress who engage in or conspire to commit bribery, act as agents of foreign governments, or conspire to violate House rules regarding employment after serving in Congress. The legislation, which now goes to the Senate for consideration, also would apply if a legislator is convicted of perjury related to those crimes.

Under current law, members of Congress and federal employees forfeit their pensions only if convicted of crimes related to national security, such as treason or espionage.

The legislation follows recent scandals related to criminal behavior by members of Congress who have since resigned. The National Taxpayers Union reports that former U.S. Rep. Duke Cunningham is eligible to receive a $36,000 annual pension even though he was convicted of accepting bribes from defense contractors.

“Taxpayers shouldn’t have to reward this behavior with a pension,” said Gordon.

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