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Illegal Immigration Down; More Must Be Done

December 29, 2008, WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Border Patrol agency released a report that shows illegal immigration in 2008 was at its lowest level since the 1970s.  This, in large part, was attributed to improved border security measures. 

“This news is encouraging, and I commend the 18,000 Border Patrol agents who are working night and day to secure our border,” said Congressman Bart Gordon. “However, the undeniable truth is that more needs to be done – an estimated 500,000 illegal immigrants entered the United States in 2008.”

Gordon has long advocated for increased border security measures.  In 2006, the Secure Fence Act was signed into law, which Gordon strongly supported.  The legislation required the construction of 20 foot-high metal fences along 670 miles of America’s southern border. Today, 526 miles of the fencing is complete.  The Secure Fence Act also required a virtual fence be built.

“The technology behind the virtual fence is still in its infancy,” said Gordon.  “The bipartisan bill I wrote with my colleague from Texas last year would ensure that next-generation border security technology be developed and made available to the Border Patrol.”

In 2008, Congressman Ralph Hall (TX-R) and Gordon introduced the Border Security Technology Innovation Act.  The bill would require the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to invest in research and development projects that bring about advanced technologies to ensure that the virtual fence acts like a real fence.

“Over the last few years, people have finally come around recognizing an obvious fact – if the border is not secure, drugs and terrorists can easily come into our country,” said Gordon. “In January, I will reintroduce the Border Security Technology bill and continue to support initiatives that clamp down on illegal immigration.” 

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