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Military and Veterans

Military and Veterans

"It is essential that our courageous active duty and retired soldiers receive the quality health care and military benefits promised to them when they first put on their uniform and agreed to protect our country."

— Congressman Bart Gordon

The young men and women who volunteer to serve our country in war deserve to be honored each and every day of the year. Retired soldiers and those injured in combat should get the best possible care and the benefits promised to them when they agreed to wear the uniform of this nation. In addition, soldiers defending our country in battle should have the most advanced equipment and technology.

Improving Conditions at VA Hospitals
The Walter Reed Army Medical Center situation revealed that dilapidated facilities and bureaucratic mazes were contributing to significant delays in care for wounded service members. That situation proved that more must be done for our veterans. In the 110th Congress, Bart strongly supported legislation that would ensure an incident like Walter Reed will never happen again. In 2007, Bart also supported necessary budget increases for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) – resulting in the largest funding increase in the history of the VA.

Preventing Health Care Fee Increases for Military Retirees
Last year in its budget request, the U.S. Department of Defense sought to increase health care premiums for the close to 3 million enlisted and officer retirees who are covered by TRICARE, the military’s health care insurance system. Bart strongly supported the Military Retirees’ Health Care Protection Act in the 109th and 110th Congress. This legislation would prohibit the Defense Department from increasing TRICARE premiums.

Improving Military Equipment and Technology
Enabling America’s troops to move around the battlefield more easily will allow them to better avoid harm and accomplish their missions. In September 2008, Bart secured a research grant for Tennessee Technological University to continue their efforts to develop and supply the military with working models of next generation batteries, which are smaller and lighter.

Providing Educational Opportunities to Our Troops
In 1944, the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (known as the “G.I. Bill”) was signed into law. The G.I. Bill provided returning World War II veterans with financial assistance to go to college and get job training. The bill was widely successful – more than half of the returning veterans pursued the educational benefits, and they were able to find good jobs and launch promising careers. Prior to June 2008, troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan were responsible for 70% of the cost of public higher education – costs that often exceeded tens of thousands of dollars. On June 30, 2008, the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act was signed into law with Bart’s strong support. This legislation drastically expanded the G.I. Bill benefits offered to returning veterans, providing them with a monthly stipend for living expenses plus tuition aid equal to the most expensive public college in each veteran's home state. The average monthly benefit for veterans increased from $1100 to $1900 a month.

Washington Office
2306 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4231
Fax: (202) 225-6887
Murfreesboro Office
305 West Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Phone: (615) 896-1986
Cookeville Office
15 South Jefferson
Cookeville, TN 38501
Phone: (931) 528-5907
Gallatin Office
100 Public Square, B-100
Gallatin, TN 37066
Phone: (615) 451-5174

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