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Technology Advancement

Cleaning up Southern California's smog, the worst in the nation, will require significant technological advances resulting in cleaner cars, trucks, industries and consumer products. To achieve that goal:
  • AQMD's Governing Board established the Technology Advancement Office (TAO) in 1988 to assist the private sector in accelerating the development of low- and zero-emission technologies. 
    See About TAO
  • Since its inception, TAO has cofunded research, development and demonstration projects in a cooperative partnership with private industry, technology developers, academic and research institutes, and local, state, and federal agencies. 
    See RD & D
  • Public-private partnerships have enabled the AQMD to leverage its public funds with outside investment to encourage the use of commercially available, low-emission mobile and stationary technologies.
    See Implementation
  • AQMD adopted seven rules pertaining to vehicle fleets that will gradually shift public agencies and certain private entities to lower emissions by purchasing alternative fuel vehicles whenever a fleet operator with 15 or more vehicles replaces or adds new vehicles.
    See Fleet Rules

This page updated: September 20, 2005