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Working Group
EGM-01 – Emission Reductions from New or Redevelopment Projects - Draft 2007 AQMP

Working Group Objective

The objective of the working group is to solicit comments and suggestions regarding the draft control measure and to develop an approach for its inclusion in the final draft 2007 AQMP that addresses our public and private stakeholder concerns.

We anticipate that this group will convene monthly through the 2007 AQMP development process. The working group may continue beyond April 2007, depending on the Board action on the 2007 AQMP.

Working Group Meeting Schedule

Date Location Agendas &
November 29, 2006
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
AQMD Headquarters
Room GB
(PDF - 27k)
EGM-01 Overview
(PDF - 51k)
December 12, 2006
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
AQMD Headquarters
Room GB
(PDF - 17k)
EGM-01 Overview
(PDF - 24k)
Emission Estimates for EGM-01
(PDF - 18k)
January 3, 2007
1:30 pm - 3:30pm
AQMD Headquarters
Room GB
(PDF - 17k)
Carl Moyer Program Update
(PDF - 512k)
Comparison Chart/Conceptual Process
(PDF - 30k)

EGM-01 – Control Measure Background

New development projects produce new sources of air pollution from new vehicle trips, use of consumer products, landscape maintenance, new stationary source processes such as fuel combustion, as well as emissions generated during construction activities. Each day millions of vehicles travel the roads in the South Coast Air Basin and the length of vehicle trips is expected to increase as outlying areas continue to be developed. In addition, older residential, commercial and industrial areas may undergo major redevelopment involving construction activities, with emissions comparable to new development projects. Redevelopment projects may also generate additional vehicular traffic compared to the projects they replace because redevelopment projects often involve increasing population density compared to the previous use. Redevelopment includes demolishing existing buildings, increasing overall floor area or building additional capacity on an existing property.

The purpose of this control measure is to mitigate emission growth from new development and redevelopment projects. This initiative is designed to reduce emissions related to new residential, commercial, industrial and institutional development, including redevelopment.

This page updated: September 26, 2007