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Governing Board Member
County of San Bernardino

San Bernardino Fourth District Supervisor Gary Ovitt was appointed by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors as that County's representative on the South Coast AQMD Governing Board, effective January 11, 2005. 

As Supervisor, Gary Ovitt continues his public service to the community he has lived in his entire life.  Having served as a Schoolteacher, Councilman, and Mayor, Supervisor Ovitt has always had a commitment to serve his community.

During his over 35 years' tenure at Chaffey High School, Supervisor Ovitt taught  Government, History and Work Experience as well as coached several sports and mentored numerous students.  In 1992 he retired from coaching to assume his newly-elected Council position on the Ontario City Council.  He served as a Councilman until he was elected Mayor of Ontario in 1998, where he served until his election to the Board of Supervisors.

As a member of the Board of Supervisors, Supervisor Ovitt will continue to serve as a Board Member of the San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), the transportation planning authority for San Bernardino County.  In addition to other various boards and commissions he will serve on, Supervisor Ovitt plans to continue serving as a Board Member of Omnitrans and the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG).  Recently Supervisor Ovitt was appointed Chairman of the Head Start Shared-Governance Board.

Supervisor Ovitt graduated from Chaffey High School in Ontario and received his B.A. in History from the University of Redlands.  He has been married for more than 35 years to Sue; their daughter, Amanda, is a graduate of Chaffey High School.