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Intelligent Systems Division Banner

Technical Research Areas

Autonomous Systems and Robotics
Overview The Exploration Vision calls for closer cooperation between humans and robots than ever before. Creating robust robotic assistants, as well as making key spacecraft systems self sufficient, requires building ...
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Collaborative & Assistant Systems
Overview As NASA missions become longer and more scientifically complex, so will the ongoing participation of and cooperation between individuals in many different locations. At the same time, human/machine interactions ...
+ Visit cas

Discovery and Systems Health
Overview The Discovery and Systems Health (DaSH) technical area focuses on challenges in understanding engineering and science data. The engineering data understanding work is centered around the emerging systems engineering ...
+ Visit dash

Robust Software Engineering
Overview We are the Robust Software Engineering technical area, based in the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California. Our goal is to dramatically increase ...
+ Visit rse


ISS Flight Control Room
XSearch System Successfully Deployed Into MCC Operations
The second and final phase of XSearch deployment was completed successfully on July 22, 2008 when the system went live as part of the International Space Station (ISS) Mission Control ...
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Gap Fire
NASA Imaging Tools Provide Firefighting Support
NASA flew unmanned aircraft equipped with a thermal-infrared imaging system over much of California last week, gathering information that helped fight more than 300 wildfires burning within the state. The ...
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DASHlink logo
DASHlink Goes Live
DASHlink, a collaborative website for Discovery in Aeronautics Systems Health, went public on June 6, 2008. DASHlink is a virtual laboratory for scientists and engineers to disseminate results and collaborate ...
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OCAMS System Deployed in Mission Control at JSC
After a successful two-week operations testing phase in Johnson Space Center’s International Space Station (ISS) Mission Control, the Orbital Communications Adapter Monitoring System (OCAMS) began “live” operations on July 8, ...
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Mission Technologies

+ Space Technology 5
+ Mars Exploration Rovers
+ Earth Observing 1
+ Phoenix Mars Lander
+ Mars Science Laboratory

Featured Projects

+ Crewed NEO Mission Feasibility Study
+ Haughton Crater Field Test
+ Planetary Content
+ Spaceflight Training Management


Location: Blue Mountains, Australia
Date: 09-22-08

Location: Denver, CO
Date: 10-06-08

HVC ’08
Location: Haifa, Israel
Date: 10-27-08 to 10-30-08

2008 AGU Fall Meeting
Location: San Francisco, CA
Date: 12-15-08 to 12-19-08

IEEE Aerospace 2009
Location: Big Sky, Montana
Date: 03-07-09 to 03-14-09

ETAPS 2009
Location: York, England
Date: 03-22-09 to 03-29-09

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