• Eric Holder seated at desk, testifying (AP Images)

    Attorney General Pick Pledges to Uphold U.S. Law

    “Guantanamo will be closed,” Eric Holder tells the Senate Judiciary Committee at a hearing on his nomination to serve as the next attorney general. Holder also states that techniques used to question suspected terrorists will conform to the Geneva Conventions.

  • Barack Obama (AP Images)

    Inauguration Marks Continuity of Democracy

    The orderly transfer of power from one president to the next is a hallmark of U.S. democracy. The transfer occurs when the incoming president takes the Oath of Office on January 20. America.gov looks at the inauguration of Barack Obama as 44th president of the United States.

  • People sorting clothes on table (AP Images

    Honoring Martin Luther King with Volunteer Service

    President-elect Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, are calling on Americans to join his family on Martin Luther King Day, January 19, in volunteering for a community service project. “It’s going to be up to all of us to renew America together,” says Michelle Obama.

In the Headlines

  • U.S. Aids Peacekeeping in Darfur

    The U.S. Air Force has begun airlifting Rwandan peacekeeping equipment and supplies from Kigali to the Darfur region of Sudan as part of the U.N.-African Union peacekeeping mission.

  • Obama Will Work with Congress

    Calling Congress "a coequal branch of government," President-elect Obama says his administration will have to work closely with legislators to pass an economic stimulus bill.

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