Churchville Junior High School, Elmhurst, IL, USA

19 October 1997

Ms. Nancy Nega is an outstanding example of how one GLOBE Teacher can reach hundreds of students. In recognition of her ongoing efforts to make learning exciting for students, Ms. Nega has received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching from the National Science Foundation. She will be honored in a White House ceremony next spring.

Ms. Nega, an eighth grade science teacher in Elmhurst, Illinois, attended the GLOBE Teacher Training Workshop last spring at the University of Illinois. After graduation, she returned to Churchville Junior High School and trained several of her colleagues to work with GLOBE students.

Activities in Ms. Nega's class include a unit called, "Being a Scientist." Students study a scientist with the same birthday as theirs and represent their scientist in a classroom convention, wearing costumes in period with the scientist and explaining their research and experiments.

Ms. Nega's efforts don't stop at Churchville Junior High. Working with the GLOBE Program staff, Ms. Nega organized a pilot GLOBE Teacher Training Workshop for nine more schools in her area. This project provides an opportunity for GLOBE to evaluate alternative approaches to teacher training. In November, Ms. Nega also made a GLOBE presentation to the Illinois Association of School Boards and returned to the University of Illinois to serve as a trainer at a GLOBE Teacher Trainer Workshop.

Congratulations Ms. Nega! We're proud to have you on the GLOBE team!

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