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Contact: Mary McDermott Noonan (202) 225-3765

Rep. Smith on the Passing of Matt Rinaldo

Washington, Oct 13, 2008 - “Matt Rinaldo was both deeply respected and genuinely liked by everyone who knew him. 

        “A congressman for 20 years, until his retirement in 1992, Matt was a savvy lawmaker who knew how to get things done especially as Ranking Republican on the Telecommunications and Finance Committee.  He had extraordinary political skills, often played his cards close to his vest and had a wonderful sense of humor.  Matt was a true believer in bipartisanship, and he knew and understood the value of principled compromise. 

         “Matt was a labor republican with few equals and he always put the interests of working families and his district first.  Whether it be increasing the minimum wage, giving workers notice prior to a factory or plant closing, or pushing “fair” trade legislation, Matt was always a leader in the fight to protect the American worker.

        “Matt Rinaldo was a good friend of mine and he will be missed.  May God richly bless him in Paradise”.

Rep. Chris Smith, (NJ-04) is the Dean of the New Jersey Congressional Delegation.

Rep. Smith served with Rep. Rinaldo in Congress for a dozen years from 1981 until 1992.

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